[Sci-tech-public] ****STS BROWN BAG LUNCH TALK: MAY 3rd @ 12:00 noon**** Plus Schedule of Events May 3-11
meinbres at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 27 13:53:34 EDT 2006
Please join us on Wednesday, May 3rd, @ 12:00 noon:
STS Brown Bag Lunch Talk
"Beyond En-trope-y, Or, How I learned to stop worrying
and love Victorian Thermodynamics"
Barri Gold, Visiting Scholar, STS Program, MIT
12:00 noon, MIT, E51-191
Barri Gold received her B.S. in Physics from MIT and her Ph. D. in English
Language and Literature, from the University of Chicago. Now an Associate
Professor at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, she is currently at work on a
book entitled _Bodies in Heat: The Nineteenth-Century's Romance with Energy_.
Her talk explores the "discovery" of the laws of thermodynamics taking place in
poetry and in physics in the early days of the science of energy.
Please feel free to bring your lunch; coffee and dessert will be provided.
Schedule of Events: May 4-11th
Thurs 4- Dibner Institute Spring Conference
Sat 6 Acoustics
Organizers: Myles Jackson, Willamette University,
and George Smith, Dibner Institute
For further information, call 617-253-6989 or e-mail dibner at mit.edu
Tues 9 Science, Technology and Global Security Working Group Seminar Series
Space Weapons
Will Marshall, Harvard University?s Kennedy School of Government
12:00-1:30 p.m., MIT, E51-275
Light refreshments provided; for more information, call 617-452-2542
Thurs 11 Sahin Lecture
Appealing to the Public: Newspaper Presentation and
Adjudication of Emotion in 1920s Shanghai
Bryna Goodman, University of Oregon
4:30-6:00 p.m., MIT, E51-275
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