[Sci-tech-public] REMINDER: STS colloquium, September 26, speaker: Greg Downey

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 23 14:19:14 EDT 2005

STS Colloquium
Monday, September 26, 2005
4:00 p.m., E51-095

Constructing "Computer Compatible" Stenographers:
The Transition to Realtime Transcription in Courtroom Reporting

Greg Downey, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Greg Downey is a US-based historian and geographer of technology, employed 
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2001 in two departments at once:
Journalism & Mass Communication and Library & Information Studies. After 
achieving Master's degrees in computer science and liberal studies at the 
of Illinois and Northwestern University, respectively, he earned a dual 
Ph.D. at The Johns Hopkins University in the subfields of history of 
technology and human geography.  His area of research and teaching is the 
history and geography of information & communication technology, especially 
the often hidden labor behind
such technology.

The topic of his talk is drawn from an article which is forthcoming in the 
January 2006 issue of Technology and Culture, entitled "Constructing 
'computer compatible' stenographers: The transition to realtime 
transcription in courtroom reporting".  This article represents one of the 
threads from his current book project, From court reporters to 
closed-captioners: The hidden technology and labor of subtitling and 
stenography in the information age, to be published by The Johns Hopkins 
University Press in late 2006.

Please join us for Professor Downey's colloquium Monday afternoon at 4:00 
p.m. in E51-095.

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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