[Sci-tech-public] Harvard's Ivory Tower Working Group presents Grischa Metlay this Thurs, Nov 17th, Noon

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 14 18:55:00 EST 2005

>Please join Harvard's Ivory Tower Working Group (ITWG) for a 
>discussion of (H of S G2) Grischa Metlay's research, provisionally titled:
>"From Scientific Management to the Management of Innovation: A 
>History of Managerial Thought as Told Through Practical Guides"
>In true working group spirit, Grischa will lead a discussion of a 
>set of texts rather than presenting polished research.  The texts 
>will relate to the history of management thinking as it comes out in 
>practical guides for managers. This will include chapter 9 from Jack 
>Welsh's new book (_Winning_), a chapter from one of the old 
>management texts (A.M. Simons, _Production Management Control of 
>Men, Materials, and Machines_, ch 1 "the use of science in 
>industry"), and the US chapter from Mauro Guillen's _Models of 
>Management_, which provides a concise treatment of relationship 
>between economic conditions and managerial thinking in the US.
>Grischa's working hypothesis is that:  "In the [early 20th century] 
>managers looked to science to support claims for increased control 
>in commercial firms (i.e., a professionalization move).  In the 
>later years the texts are concerned with the management of 
>innovation, which signals the recognition that the processes 
>underlying the production of scientific knowledge could be organized 
>and administered via management techniques .  In short, the 
>relationship between management and science reverses after this turning point."
>The meeting will be held this Thursday, Nov 17th, Noon, History of Science 252
>Lunch will be served; please rsvp to Ben at jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu
>The texts are available for photocopying in the History of Science 
>Department, 4th floor, outside the grad lounge.

Please note these upcoming ITWG meetings on your calendars:

>The ITWG will also (after a hiatus for Thanksgiving) be meeting 
>Thursday, Dec. 1 for a special joint meeting with the Life 
>Sciences/Environmental Sciences Working Group, at the special time 
>of 4 p.m. (Harvard Science Center 469), with Dan Kevles of Yale 
>University as the speaker (Breeding, Biotechnology and Agriculture: 
>The Establishment and Protection of  Intellectual Property in 
>Animals Since the Late 18th Century, and on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 
>the usual time of 12 noon, with Arne Hessenbruch as the speaker (title TBA).

Please RSVP to Ben at 
<mailto:jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu>jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu.

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