[Sci-tech-public] 30th Annual AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy

Natalie Nimmer nnimmer at aaas.org
Tue Mar 29 09:15:56 EST 2005

30th Annual AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy 
April 21-22, 2005 
Loew's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel 
Washington, DC 
You are cordially invited to attend the 30th Annual AAAS Forum (formerly Colloquium) on Science and Technology Policy, scheduled for April 21-22, 2005.  This meeting, held in Washington each spring, provides a setting for discussion and debate about budget and other policy issues facing the S&T community.  Since its beginning in 1976, it has grown into an annual institution that draws approximately 500 top science and technology experts.  The Forum is the major public meeting in the U.S. on science and technology policy issues.  
This year's program will include sessions on: 
     - The Budgetary and Policy Context for R&D in FY 2006 
     - The Future of Scientific Communication (Formerly Known as Publishing)
     - Young Scientists, Graduate Education, and National Needs for the S&T Workforce
     - Science and Global Health Disasters 
     - The Role of R&D in the U.S. and Global Economies 
     - Science Versus Society?  When Scientific Interests and Public Attitudes Collide
In addition, the meeting will feature: 
     - Keynote address by John H. Marburger, III, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy 
     - Invited addresses by eminent public figures at the optional luncheons on Thursday & Friday, and the breakfast on Friday
     - The annual William D. Carey Lecture, given this year by Representative Rush D. Holt (NJ)  
For an up-to-date agenda, fees, online registration materials, and hotel arrangements, please go to www.aaas.org/forum.  
Stephen Nelson 
American Association for the  Advancement of Science 
Science and Policy Programs 
1200 New York Avenue NW 
Washington DC 20005 
For questions about registration, please contact: 
Natalie Nimmer 
Tel: 202/326-6601 
Fax: 202/289-4950 
E-mail: nnimmer at aaas.org 
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