[Sci-tech-public] EZRide Detour around Erie Street Construction, July 19, 2004 - October, 2004

Kris Kipp kipp at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 16 14:05:59 EDT 2004

>Starting Monday morning, July 19, EZRide Shuttle will detour around 
>construction on Erie Street.  EZRide will operate with the same time 
>schedule as always, with departures every 12 minutes.  The detour will 
>prevent us from servicing the Pacific Street stop, and require the Fort 
>Washington/Erie Street stop to be moved to Erie Street at the corner of 
>Sidney St.  All other shuttle stops will operate as usual.
>For full information on this detour:
>This portion of the roadway project and the resultant detour are expected 
>to last until mid-October, 2004.
>Please remember that there will also be a special schedule for the week 
>of  Monday, July 26 through Friday, July 30 only.  You will find full 
>information regarding the DNC schedule at the above web page.
>Jim Gascoigne
>Executive Director
>Charles River TMA
>P  617-324-6119
>F  617-258-6357
>E  coin1 at mit.edu
>W  www.masscommute.com/tmas/crtma

Kris Kipp
Project Manager
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Ave., E51-185
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-9759
Fax: 617-258-8118
Email: kipp at mit.edu 

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