[Save] REMINDER: EnviroForum III, March 10, 4-6 pm, Bush Room (Bldg. 10)

Jeremy Gregory jgregory at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 9 11:04:16 EST 2004

Don't forget to come EnviroForum tomorrow (Wednesday)!  Our speakers, Prof. 
Leon Glicksman from the Architecture and Mechanical Engineering Departments 
and Paul Parravano, Co-Director of the Government and Community Relations 
Office, will certainly make the event especially stimulating for discussion 
and networking.

Details: March 10, 4-6 pm, Bush Room (Bldg. 10).

We hope to see you there!


Members of the EnviroForum Organizing Task Force:

Justin Adams, Environmental Programs Office
Jim Curtis, Environmental Programs Office
Matthew Gardner, Ph.D., Program Administrator, Earth Systems Initiative
Amanda Graham, Ph.D., Education Program Manager, LFEE
Jeremy Gregory, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student


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