[Save] NE Climate & Envir Calendar * 3/5 - 4/13/04

Michael Charney cambclimact at aol.com
Fri Mar 5 09:38:20 EST 2004

CAMBRIDGE CLIMATE CALENDAR     March 5 – Apr 13, 2004
 Climate, Envir & Sustainability Events for MA & NE

Editor’s Choice:
3/6,7 - Leadership Skills Training Wkshp for Envir Staff. Keene, NH
3/9 - Cape Wind Show of Support Rally. State Hse, Beacon Hill, Boston
3/10-13 NESEA Building Energy 2004 Conf. Boston
3/15,16 NEG/ECP Climate Change Impacts & Adaptatns Conf. Boston 

3/29,30 - Earth Inst. State of the Planet Conf. NYC
4/3 - Toxics Action 2004 Annual Conf. Boston
*4/13  Meet the Scientists: Climate change for educators. Providc, RI
4/14,15 - CERES 2004 Conference. Boston. MA

Action alerts: 
*Oppose revised energy bill

*Demand EPA, FDA mercury actions re: fish & power plants.

*Global warming catastrophe warns Swiss Re, world’s 2nd largest insurer:
At Feature at left at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

>>  Scroll Down For Full Index & Detailed Listings

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Link Websites to CCC: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
Submit Events: CambClimAct at aol.com  See website for guidelines.
Local Climate Activism: http://www.massclimateaction.org    

Please support CCC with a check payable to Commonwealth Foundation. 
Mail to: Michael Charney, PO Box 390554, Camb, MA 02139

INDEX:   * = New      Scroll down below this Index for Detailed List

MARCH 2004 

Tuesdays thru May 4
Thru 5/4  Course: Human Health & Global Envir Change. Boston

Tuesdays – May 25
Thru 5/25 Climate Change: Sci, Social Impact & Diplomacy. Camb 

Friday, March 5 
3/5 – Manhattan Isld ecology: 1609 vs Present. Petersham, MA
3/5 - Front Lines of Oceanic Biodiversity. New Haven, CT
3/5 - Theoretical & Computatnal Aspects of Structural Equatns Models
3/5 – Secret Lives of Black Bears. Boston

March 5 - 7
3/5-7 Activists Networking Weekend. Littleton, MA

March 5 - 15
*3/5-15  Global Warming & Envir Disruptn Art Exhibit. Boston

Saturday March 6
3/6 - Depleted Uranium Anti-Tank Shells: Toxic or Smart Tech? Camb

March 6 & 7
3/6,7 - Leadership Skills Training Wkshp for Enviro Staff. Keene, NH
3/6,7 – Ann. Massachusetts Birders' Mtg. Peabody, MA

Sunday, March 7
3/7 - Reclaiming the Commons. Camb
3/7 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web

March 7-9
3/7-9   Evolution of the Earth System Symposium. Camb 

Monday, March 8
*3/8 - Enviro Justice, Housing & Smart Growth. Boston 
3/8 - EBC March Networking & Dinner Mtg. Waltham, MA

Tuesday, March 9
*3/9 Energy Star Homes Free Builder/Designer's Seminar. Warwick, RI
3/9 - Cape Wind Show of Support Rally. State Hse, Beacon Hill, Boston
3/9 – Toxic Chemicals, Children & Communities. Boston 
3/9 Subsistence, Landscape, Identity in NE 1000-1700 AD. Boston 

Wednesday, March 10
*3/10 - When Will Environmental Justice Have Its Day? Boston
3/10 - The equatorial mixed layer heat budget. Camb
3/10 - Barriers & Equity in Residential Migratn. Medford, MA
3/10 – Water, Poverty, & Sustainable Development. Camb
*3/10 - Enviro Research & Activities at MIT. Camb
*3/10 Priceless? Envir, Safety & Health Benefit-Cost Analysis. Camb 
3/10 - Public Debate on Wind Energy. Boston

March 10-13
3/10-13 NESEA Building Energy 2004 Conf. Boston

Thursday, March 11
3/11 - OSHA Inspectns & Workplace Injuries. Camb
3/11 Middlebury Collg Carbon Reductn Initiative. Middlebury, VT
3/11 - Monitoring Urban Air Pollution in Mexico City. Camb
*3/11 - New Techn in Contexts of Sustainable Mngmt. Providence, RI
*3/11 - Investigating the Bush Admin's Misuse of Science. Camb 

Friday, March 12
3/12 H2O & N dynamics: E deciduous & NW conifer forests. Ptrshm, MA
3/12 - Ozone Depletion in the Mid-Latitude. Camb
3/12 Land Ownership & Fate of Ranching in Amer West. Camb

March 12-14
*3/12-14  Boston Bicycle Show. Boston
3/12 - 14  COOL Idealist Nat’l Conf. Philadelphia, PA

Saturday, March 13
3/13 - Grassroots Use of Computer/Internet Technology Conf. Camb
3/13 - MA Land Trust Conf: Smart Growth & Conservatn. Worcstr, MA

Sunday, March 14
*3/14 – Battle Against Corporate “Rights” & Enviro Degradatn. Boston
3/14 - Future of Fishing in New England. Newburyport, MA  
*3/14 - Native Voices Protecting Land & Culture: Envir Justice. Camb
3/14 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web

March 15 & 16
3/15,16 NEG/ECP Climate Change Impacts & Adaptations Conf. Boston

March 15,16,18,20,22,23,25 & 27
3/15 – 27: Public Mtgs for Comment on VT Wind Develpmt. VT

Tuesday, March 16
3/16 – Renewable Energy Solutns & Financial Sector. Boston
3/16 - Joachim Eble: “Grandfather of Green" Bldg Design. Camb
3/16 – The Transportation System of Gtr Boston. Camb 

Wednesday, March 17
3/17 - The Envir/Conservatn Medicine Connection. Medford, MA
*3/17 Marine Shrimp Ecosystem & Health Monitoring. Providence, RI
*3/17 - Deuterium excess in ice cores: a tricky enviro tracer. Camb
3/17 - Worker Sorting & the Risk of Death on the Job. Camb

March 17 - 18
3/17-18  WRI Sustainable Enterprise Summit. DC

Thursday, March 18
3/18 - Sensing the Environment: Extensive Sensor Networks. Camb 
3/18 - US Transportation Energy Consumption. Camb 
3/18 Our responsibility to rebuild healthy communities. Middlebury, VT
*3/18 Natural Resrces Mngmt for Ecosystem Sustnblty. Providence, RI
*3/18 Gender in Theorizing & Operatnalizing Sustnblty. Medford, MA

March 18-21
3/18-21 Hazel Wolf Enviro Film Festival. WA

March 18 – 28
3/18-28  Envir Film Festival. Wash, DC

*3/19 - Geostatistical Modeling of Exposure to Arsenic. Medford, MA
3/19 - Blue Vinyl (film) – A Toxic Comedy.  Camb

Saturday, March 20
3/20 - Citizen Planner Training Collaborative Conf. Worcestr, MA

Sunday, March 21
3/21 Bird Artists, Artist Birds: Plumes, Bowers in New Guinea. Camb
3/21 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web

March 21 - 24
3/21-24 Int’l Conf on Solid Waste Techn & Mngmnt. Phila, PA

Monday, March 22
3/22 - Is global warming affecting Western snow resources? Nw Hvn, CT
*3/22 - Secrets of Great Lawns. Newton, MA

Wednesday, March 24
3/24 - Paleoclimate signals in Summit, Greenland ice cores. Camb
3/24 - Who Gained from Envir Regulatn? Coal & Clean Air Act. Camb
3/24 - Audubon & the Tale of the Golden Eagle. Arlington, MA

March 24 - 25 
3/24-25 Globalcon 04: Energy, Power & Facility Mngmnt Conf. Boston

Thursdays, March 25
*3/25 - Breast Cancer Truth & Consequences Conf. Waltham, MA
3/25 - Heinrich & D/O events: it's the sea ice. Boston 
*3/25 - Allagash Wilderness Waterway at Risk. Freeport, ME

March 25 & 26
3/25,26 ‘Why’ of Conservation: Leadership Retreat. Westminster, MA

Friday, March 26 
3/26 Chronic N enrichment & forest soil microbes. Petersham, MA
3/26 Genetic Structure & Flow in Dispersing Bat Species. Nw Hvn, CT

March 26 & 27 
3/26,27 – Design & Integrated Develpmt Conf. Durham, NH

Saturday, March 27
3/27 – Home Ecological Solutions: "Urban Ark" Seminar & Tour. MA

Sunday, March 28
3/28 - Home Ecological Solutions: "Urban Ark" Seminar & Tour. MA
3/28 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web

March 28 - 31
3/28-31  Global Windpower 2004 Conf & Exhibtn. Chicago, IL

Monday, March 29
3/29 - Extra-tropical No Hemisphere land temp variability. Nw Hvn, CT

March 29 & 30
3/29,30 - Earth Inst. State of the Planet Conf. NYC

Tuesday, March 30
3/30 Agricultr & Water: Climate Chge, & Plant Disease. Boston
3/30 - When Smoke Fell Like Water: Enviro Deceptns. Wds Hole, MA

Wednesday, March 31
*3/31 - Trading & Banking of Pollution Allowances. Waltham, MA
*3/31 - Preformed Phosphate, Organic Pump & Atmos CO2. Camb 
3/31 - Earthscope: A "telescope" looking at & in the Earth. Camb   
3/31 - Tufts Inst of Envir 1st  Enviro Alumni Event. Medford, MA

APRIL 2004

Thursday, April 1
4/1 - Ecological Economics. Middlebury, VT

Friday, April 2
4/2 - Forest history as guide to mangmt in Amazon. Petersham, MA
4/2 Calibrating Reconstructn of Oceanic Anoxic Event II. Nw Hvn, CT

April 2-4
4/2-4 Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conf. Chapel Hill, NC

Saturday, April 3
4/3 - Toxics Action 2004 Annual Conf. Boston 
4/3 Sierra Club Coastal & Marine Habitat & Wildlife Cmte Mtg. Boston

April 3 & 4
4/3,4 Non-Prof Funding, Finan. Mngmt & Marketing Wkshp. Keene, NH

Tuesday, April 6
4/6 - Climate Change Backpack Training for Educators. Rye, NH
4/6 – Threats to Coral Reefs & Forests. Boston

Wednesday, April 7
4/7 - Forward model of mid-ocean tides & tidal dissipatn. Camb
4/7 Spatial Distribtn of Air Q Imprvmt w Clean Air Amendmt. Camb
4/7 - Kendall Memorial Lecture, Dr George Woodwell. Camb 
*4/7 - EcoSalon: E2 N.E. Reception & Legislative Update. Camb

Thursday, April 8
4/8 - Market Monitors: An Innovatn in Electricity Regulatn. Camb
4/8 – Engineers & Sustainable Development. Middlebury, VT

Friday, April 9
4/9 - Metal Cycling Through Plankton Communities. New Haven, CT

Monday, April 12
4/12  C residence: Tropical, temperate & boreal forests. Nw Hvn, CT
4/12 - Sunlight is Life: Dawning of Solar Electric Architecture. Camb

Tuesday, April 13 
*4/13 Meet Scientists: Climate change for educators. Providence, RI
4/13 – Envir Genomics, Envir Restoratn & Energy Harvesting. Camb
4/13 – Sustainable Fisheries; Sustainable Agriculture. Boston
4/13 – Antebellum Crusade for Municipal Water in Boston. Boston 

For events after 4/13, see Beyond at 

MARCH 2004

MON thru MAY 24
The Path to Sustainable Development, Robert Pojasek, PhD.
Harvard Ext Schl course ENVR E-105, 5:30-7:30 pm, Sever Hall 
Rm 102, Harvard Yard, Camb/Internet. Info: rpojasek at sprynet.com 
http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre105  781-641-2422

TUES, thru MAY 25
Global Climate Change: Science, Social Impact & Diplomacy of a 
World Enviro Crisis. 7:30 - 9:30 pm, Harvard Ext Schl Course ENVR 
- E-130, Harvard Yard, Camb & Internet.  Profs Wm Moomaw & 
Timothy Weiskel. Credit or audit. Info/Syllabus/Resources: 
http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre130  Tim at EcoEthics.Net 

Manhattan, 12 September 1609: an ecological reconstruction of 
Manhattan Island at the time of Hudson, w comparison to modern 
condition, Eric Sanderson  (Wildlife Conservatn Soc). 11 am, 
Harvard Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler Hall, Petersham, MA 
Info/Dir: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu 

Front Lines of Biodiversity: Caribbean Crustaceans & Atlantic 
Seamount Fauna, Eric Lazo-Wasem (Peabody Musm Nat History).
Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, New 
Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar
Theoretical & Computatnal Aspects of Structural Equatns 
Models for Environmental Health Data, Dr. Esben Budtz-
Joergensen (U Copenhagen). 2 - 4 pm, HSPH, 677 Huntington 
Ave, Kresge, G-3, Boston, MA. Info: ebudtz at hsph.harvard.edu, 
vbeaulie at hsph.harvard.edu
Map: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/maps/lmamap.html 

Secret Lives of Black Bears: Your Neighbor, John Foster (NE 
Naturalist Training Ctr). 7 pm, Museum of Sci, Wright Hall, 
1 Science Pk, O'Brien Hwy, Boston. Free tix in lobby. Info/Dir: 
http://www.mos.org/whats_happening/calendar > March

MAR 5 - 7
Activists Networking Weekend. 6 pm 3/5, to 2 pm 3/7, Friendly 
Crossways Conf Ctr, Littleton, MA. $175; Scholarships. 
Spons: Interhelp Info: 617-868-6058, Interhelp at earthlink.net 

*MAR 5 - 15
Global Warming & Environmental Disruption Art Exhibition.
Presenter(s): Paul Stigliano: stumps; William Toothaker: 
landscapes; Hannah Brown: Collage; Nate Sigman: Chaos & 
unknowns; Nick Jolly: Landcapes; Christina Goodwin: seasonal 
changes; Kalman Gacs: Political Poster Art; Chela Fielding: 
Multi-media; Martha Merson: Mobiles. Opening receptn 
3/5: 6:30-9 pm, w classical guitarist Jaime Balmer. 
Massart Tower Gallery, 2nd flr, 621 Huntington Ave, 
Boston. Info: 617-642-7740, contactantiapathy at yahoo.com  
Map: http://www.massart.edu/campus/here/map.html 

Depleted Uranium Weapons: Toxic Contaminant or Necessary 
Technology? Tanya Oxenberg & Jan Snihs 1-5 pm, MIT Bldg 34 – 
Rm 101, 50 Vassar St, Camb Info: http://web.mit.edu/pugwash/du 
Info:  http://web.mit.edu/tac/www/upforums.html 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=34&Buildings=go 

MAR 6 & 7
Leadership Skills Training Wkshp for Enviro & Social Justice 
Non-Profit Staff, by A-NE Enviro Advocacy & Org Prgrm, 
9 am – 4:30 pm, Antioch NE Campus, Keene, NH. Free. Info/
Registr Req: 603-357-3122, steven_chase at antiochne.edu, 

MAR 6 & 7
Ann. Massachusetts Birders' Mtg. Peabody Marriott, 
Peabody, MA Info: http://www.massaudubon.org/news 

Reclaiming the Commons, Prof Brian Donahue (Brandeis 
U; Land’s Sake organic community farm & auth). 3 pm, 
Veggie Planet/Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Harvard Sq, 
Camb. Dinner after, $9:50 by pre-order. Info: 617-824-4225, 
http://boston.earthsave.org  http://www.clubpassim.org 

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

MAR 7-9
Was... Is...Might be... Perspectives on the Evolution of the Earth 
System Symposium. MIT, Little Kresge Theatre, Bldg W16, 
48 Mass. Ave (rear), Camb. Spons:  Earth System Initiative. 
Non-academics’ fee: $200. Info/Pre-Regstr Required:
http://web.mit.edu/esi/html/announce.htm  Map: 
http://web.mit.edu/esi  esinfo at mit.edu 

Making Environmental Justice, Housing & Smart Growth Part of 
the Same Picture, Lois Adams (EPA Acting State Dir for Rhode 
Island). Noon -2 pm, Episcopal Diocese of MA, 138 Tremont St,
Boston. Info: Eosystems at aol.com, 617-482-4826 x225,
kcoleman at diomass.org   

EBC March Networking & Dinner Mtg. 6 pm, DoubleTree 
Guest Suites, 550 Winter St, Waltham, MA 7 pm, Spkr: Ira 
Leighton (Dep Regnl Admin US EPA):  What Government 
Initiatives Will Drive Enviro Business in Future? 
Info/Dir: http://www.ebc-ne.org/meetings.htm#0308 

Energy Star Homes Free Builder & Designer's Seminar, Bruce 
Harley & Adam Gifford. 8 am - 4 pm, Sheraton Providence 
Airport, 1850 Post Rd, RI. Arch. Cont. Ed credits & Field Guide 
incl. Registr/Info: http://www.energystarhomes.com 800-628-8413.  

Cape Wind Show of Support Rally. 11:30 am, Massachusetts 
State Hse, Beacon St, Beacon Hill, Boston. Info/RSVP: 
lmartin at capewind.org, 617-904-3100, x 25, http://www.capewind.org

Chemicals & Communities: Heavy Metals, Dr Howard Hu, HSPH; 
Children & Envir Pollutants, Dr Philip Landrigan (Mt Sinai Schl 
Med.) 2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

Maize, Mackerel & Meadows: Subsistence, Landscape & Cultural 
Identity in Southern NE 1000-1700 AD, Ninian Stein, (Harvard 
& Yale) Comment: Barry Muchnick (Yale). Envir History Seminar. 
5:15 pm, Mass Historical Soc, 1154 Boylston St, Boston.  T: Green, 
Hynes CC Stop. Paper avail. in adv. Info: svose at masshist.org, 
617-646-0518, http://www.masshist.org/events 

*WED, MAR 10
Tech Bikes: Model for Sustainable Transport on Local Scale
Atif Qadir '04 (Arch/Urban Plan) & Damon Vander Lind 
(MIT '07 Physics). Noon - 1:pm, MIT Bldg E40 - Rm 496, 
1 Amherst St, Camb. Info: kgibson at mit.edu http://lfee.mit.edu
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=E40&Buildings=go 

The equatorial mixed layer heat budget, Markus Jochum (MIT).
12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via Ames St, Camb. 
Info:  http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

WED, MAR 10  [Note Room Change]
Barriers & Equity in Residential Migratn: The ‘Environmental 
Protection Hustle’ Revisited, Brett Baden (Tufts). 12:15 - 1:pm, 
Rm 218, Tufts U, Mayer Campus (Student) Ctr, 44 Professors 
Row, Medford, MA Info: http://ase.tufts.edu/gdae 
Map: http://www.tufts.edu/source/directions.html 

Water & Poverty: Will the dream of sustainable development
be realized? Prof Richard Carter (Cranfield U). 1 – 2:30 pm, MIT 
Bldg 9 – Rm 151, 105 Mass Ave, Camb. Info: gsherman at mit.edu 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=9&Buildings=go 

*WED, MAR 10
People Shaping the Environment:  Research & Activities at MIT. 
Prof Leon Glicksman (Arch./Mech.Eng) & Paul Parravano (Gov’t 
Comm Relatns). 4 - 6 pm, MIT, Bush Rm, Bldg 10 - Rm 105 (Enter 
77 Mass. Ave), Camb. Info: http://web.mit.edu/enviroforum 
http://events.mit.edu/scripts/event.pl?64366  agrahaml at mit.edu 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=10&Buildings=go 

*WED, MAR 10
Priceless: Principles, Practices, & Ethics of Benefit-Cost Analysis 
for Environmental, Health, & Safety Regulatn Panel: Economists Frank 
Ackerman (GDAE, Tufts U) & Joe Aldy (Harvard); James Hammitt 
(Ctr for Risk Analysis, HSPH); Lisa Heinzerling (Georgetown Law Ctr). 
4 – 6 pm, Harvard Law School, Pound 100, Camb. Info: 
jgignac at law.harvard.edu http://environment.harvard.edu >Envir Calendar
Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu > Law Schl

*WED, MAR 10
Presentation by ecologically-minded architect, Joachim Eble 
(Germany). 6 – 8 pm, Bos Soc Arch Bldg, 52 Broad St, 
5th flr, Boston.  Spons: COTE/BSA. RSVP req. by 3/9; 
Info/RSVP: 617-951-1433 x222, bsa at architects.org 

WED, MAR 10 
Public Debate on Wind Energy. Mod: Prof Cutler Cleveland (CEES, 
BU); Peter Borrelli (Ctr Coastal Studies); Jim Gordon (Cape Wind 
Assocs); Seth Kaplan (Conservatn Law Fndn); Susan Nickerson
(Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound). 7-9 pm, B.U., Geo. Sherman 
Union Auditrm, 775 Commonwlth Ave, Boston Spons: SmartPower 
Info: http://www.nesea.org/buildings/be/2004public_forum.html 
Map: http://www.bu.edu/maps 

MAR 10-13
NESEA Ann. Building Energy Conf. 2004, Boston U, Boston. 
Premier prof conf on renewable energy & green bldg. Wkshps, 
tours, >100 speakers, 50 conf sessions, a trade show, netwking. 
Info: http://www.nesea.org/buildings/be/2004index.html 
413-774-6051 x20. Early registr rate ddln 2/11.

Measuring Regulatory Effectiveness: OSHA Inspectns & 
Workplace Injuries, Prof Wayne Gray (Clark U Econ Dept).
Noon -1:30 pm, Bell Hall, 5th Flr, Belfer Bldg, KSG, 
79 JFK St, Camb. RSVP/Info: rpp at ksg.harvard.edu 

Carbon Reduction at Middlebury College: Proposal for 
Middlebury Collg. 12:15 – 1:20 pm, Bicentennial Hall 
Rm 216, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  Info/Dir:  

Advances in Monitoring Urban Air Pollution: a 
Case Study of Mexico City, Rainer Volkamer (MIT). 
4 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via Ames St, Camb. Info:
http://www.mit.edu/~elkeh/MASSSeminars.html Map:

New Technologies in Contexts of Sustainable Management: Rethinking 
Sustainable Development Symposium. Agro-biotechnology for rural 
farmers in Kenya; Enhancing environmental benefits of N.E. demand-
side mngmt lighting programs; Plant extracts as biopesticides; & 
Distributed generation in No. Mindanao, Philippines. 4 – 6 pm, 
Brown U, Joukowsky Forum, 111 Thayer St, Providence, RI  
Info: http://www.watsoninstitute.org/events.cfm

Investigating the Bush Admin's Misuse of Science, Kevin Knobloch 
(Union of Concerned Scientists); Profs Philip Morrison (MIT) & E.O. 
Wilson (Harvard). 7 pm, MIT Bldg 10 - Rm 250, via 77 Mass Ave, 
Camb Info: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/events/bush-science.shtml 
Map:  http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=10&Buildings=go   

Water & N dynamics at storm, seasonal, & successional scales: 
eastern deciduous vs. northwestern conifer forests, Julia Jones  
(Oregon State U). 11 am, Harvard Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler 
Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu 

On Our Quantitative Understanding of Ozone Depletion in the 
Mid-Latitude, Lower Stratosphere, Ross Salawitch (JPL).
Noon, Pierce Hall, Rm 209, 29 Oxford St, Camb Info: 
Dir: http://www-as.harvard.edu/chemistry/trop/directions.html 

Wrangling over the Range: Land Ownership & Fate of 
Ranching in American West, Prof Patricia Limerick 
(U Colorado). 2:30 – 4:30 pm, MIT Tang Ctr Bldg 
E51- Rm 095, 50 Memorial Dr, Camb. Info: 
http://web.mit.edu/history/www/nande/modTimes.html Dir: 

*MAR 12 - 14
Boston Bicycle Show: Fri, 3/12: 5 – 9 pm; Sat/Sun, 
3/13,14: Noon – 6 pm. Cyclorama, Boston Ctr for Arts,
539 Tremont St, Boston. Info: http://www.nycbicycleshow.com 

MAR 12 - 14
20th Ann COOL (Campus Outreach Opportunity League) Idealist 
Nat’l Conf.  U Penn, Philadelphia, PA Info: http://www.idealist.org 

Organizers' Collaborative’s Ann. Conf on Grassroots Use of  
Computer & Internet Technology. 9 am – 5:30 pm, MIT, 
Camb. $7/$20-$35. Info: http://www.organizenow.net 
conf2004 at organizenow.net  http://organizersdb.org 

14th Mass. Land Trust Conf: Smart Growth & Smart 
Conservatn Bancroft Schl, Worcester, MA $25/30. Keynote: 
Parris Glendening (fmr Md Govnr; Pres, Smart Growth Ldrshp
Inst). $25-$30  Info: gslack at ttor.org, 978-537-4458 x 312

*SUN, MAR 14
Battle Against Corporate “Rights” & Enviro Degradatn., Tom Linzey, 
Esq. (Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund). 7-9 pm, 
First Parish Church, Parlor Rm, 3 Church St, Harvard Sq, Camb. $5. 
Info: http://www.celdf.org 781-674-2339, adam_artist at yahoo.com 

*SUN, MAR 14
Native Voices Protecting Land & Culture - Environmental 
Justice Forum, Lori Goodman & Anna Frazier [Navajo;
Dine Citizens Against Ruining our Environment (CARE)].
2:30 pm, Episcopal Divinity Schl, Bernham Hall, 
Tyler Rm, 99 Brattle St, Camb. Info: 978-392-0124;
Dir: http://www.episdivschool.edu/contacts/directionsto.html 

Future of Fishing in New England, David Lincoln (envir 
consultant, Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Assn; advisor, Habitat 
Cmte, NE Fishery Mngmt Council). 3 - 5 pm, Parish Hall, 
Unitarian Universalist Church, 26 Pleasant St, Newburyport, MA  
Info: http://www.sierraclubmass.org/events/events.html#special

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

MAR 15 & 16
Climate Change in NE & E. Canada:  Impacts & Adaptatn 
Responses Conf. Suffolk U. Law Schl, 120 Tremont St, Boston. 
Spons: N.E. Govnrs & E. Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP). $250. 
Info: http://www.negc.org/documents/Agenda_CC.pdf 
http://www.negc.org http://www.negc.org/ClimateChange04.html 

MAR 15,16,18,20,22,23,25&27
Shall VT state lands be used to support wind energy development?
8 Public mtgs to solicit comment. VT Agency of Natural Resources. 
  3/15: 6:30-9 pm, Springfield High School, Springfield
  3/16: 6:30-9 p.m., Vermont College, Montpelier
  3/18: 6:30-9 pm, Jay Fire Hall, Jay, VT
  3/20: 9:30 am - noon, Cortina Inn, Killington, VT
  3/22: 6:30-9 pm, High School, So Burlington, VT
  3/23: 6:30-9 pm, Middle School, Bennington, VT
  3/25: 6:30-9 pm, Town Hall, Hancock, VT
  3/27: 9:30 am - noon, Ralston Purina Bldg., St Johnsbury, VT
Info/Written comments by 3/31: anrwindpolicy at adamantaccord.com, 
802-241-3682, http://www.vermontwindpolicy.org 

Timeout for Solutns: Latest Sci on Renewable Energy Solutns, Wm 
Moomaw, PhD, Tufts; Change & Financl Sector, Christopher Walker, 
Swiss Re. 2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html

“Grandfather of Green Building Design in Germany”: Joachim Eble 
(Principal, Joachim Eble Architektur). 4-6 pm, MIT Bldg 4 - Rm 163, 
182 Memorial Dr, Camb.  Info: jrivers at mit.edu 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=4&Buildings=go

Getting Around: The Transportation System of Gtr Boston, 
Richard Dimino (Artery Business Comte) & Terrance Regan 
(The Planners Collaborative). 5 - 6:30 pm, Malkin Penthouse, 
4th flr, Littauer Bldg, KSG, 79 JFK St, Camb Info:
Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu > JFK Schl Govt

The Environment/Conservation Medicine Connection, Dr. Mark 
Pokras (Int Vet Med, Dept Envir & Populatn Health, Tuft Vet 
Schl). Noon, Cabot Hall, Cabot Intercultural Cntr, 170 Packard Ave, 
Tufts U, Medford MA. Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford 
Info: http://www.tufts.edu/tie/getting_involved/events.html

*WED, MAR 17
A Marine Shrimp Initiative: Monitoring Ecosystem, Animal, 
& Public Health, Acacia Alevar Warren (Tufts U). 12:30 pm, 
Brown U, McKinney Conf Rm, 111 Thayer St, Providence, RI  
Info: http://www.watsoninstitute.org/events.cfm

*WED, MAR 17
Deuterium excess in ice cores: a tricky tracer of past global 
environmental changes, Francoise Vimeux (LSCE). 
12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via Ames St, Camb. 
Info:  http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

Worker Sorting & the Risk of Death on the Job, Thomas DeLeire 
(Harvard) & Helen Levy (U Chicago).  4-5:30 pm, Rm L332, 
Littauer Bldg, KSG, 79 JFK St, Camb.  Envir econ & policy 
seminar. Papers at website. 617-496-8054
Info: http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~ec2690hf   

MAR 17 - 18
World Resources Institute's Sustainable Enterprise Summit. 
Re: “Tomorrow's Markets: Global Trends & Their Implicatns for 
Business” (2nd ed.). Wash, DC Info: http://www.wri.org/wrisummit

Sensing the Environment: Challenges of Extensive Sensor 
Networks,  Prof Deborah Estrin (UCLA). 11 am, 
MIT Bldg 56 – Rm 114, access via 21 Ames St, Camb 
Info: esinfo at mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/esi  Map: 

US Transportation Energy Consumption: The Problem, & Effective 
Strategies for Progress, Prof John Heywood (MIT Sloan Automotive 
Lab); Anup Bandivadekar (TPP). Noon, MIT Bldg E40 - Rm 496, 
1 Amherst St, Camb Info: esinfo at mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/esi  
http://events.mit.edu/scripts/event.pl?71124  Map:

Think locally, act neighborly our responsibility to rebuild 
healthy communities, Tod Murphy (the Farmer’s Diner- 
Barre, VT).12:15 – 1:20 pm, Bicentennial Hall Rm 216, 
Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  Info/Dir: 

Re-Thinking Natural Resources Management for Ecosystem Sustnblty: 
Rethinking Sustainable Development Symposium. Ecological 
streamflow assurance accounting for reservoir impacts; Climate
 change mitigation strategies for biodiversity; Traditional Ethiopian 
pastoralists response to drought; Farming dynamics in fringe of 
Mexico City. 4 – 6 pm, Brown U, Joukowsky Forum, 111 Thayer 
St, Providence, RI. Info: http://www.watsoninstitute.org/events.cfm

Importance of Gender Sensitivity in Theorizing & Operationalizing 
Sustainability, Prof Susan Buckingham (Brunel U, London. 5 – 7 pm, 
Cabot Cntr, Rm 206, Tufts Fletcher Schl, 170 Packard Ave, 
Tufts U, Medford MA Dir: http://www.tufts.edu/source/maps/medford 
Info: http://www.tufts.edu/tie/getting_involved/events.html 

MAR 18-21
6th Ann Hazel Wolf Enviro Film Festival. Leavenworth, WA
Info: http://www.hazelfilm.org / Call For Entries

MAR 18 – 28
DC Enviro Film Festival. Washington, DC

*FRI, MAR 19
Modeling Uncertainty about Pollutant Concentration & Human 
Exposure using Geostatistics & a Space-time Info System: 
Application to Arsenic in Groundwater of S.E. Michigan
Dr. Pierre Goovaerts (Biomedware, Inc). 2:30 - 4 pm,
Braker Hall, Rm 01, Tufts U, Medford, MA  Info: 

Blue Vinyl (film) – A Toxic Comedy. 7:30 pm, 38 Cameron Ave, 
Suite 100, No. Camb. $5. Spons: Alliance for a Healthy America & 
Eye on the Future Film Series. MBTA: Red Line Davis Sq Statn, & 
Mass Ave busses. Info/Dir: 617-492-4091; 
http://www.38cameron.com  eyeonthefuture38 at yahoo.com 

 Citizen Planner Training Collaborative Ann. Conf. Hogan 
Campus Ctr, College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA   
Advanced Tools & Procedures for Planning & Zoning.
Info: 413-545-2188, http://www.umass.edu/masscptc 
Dir: http://www.holycross.edu/about/directions.htm 

Bird Artists & Artist Birds: Plumes& Bowers in New Guinea, 
Sir David Attenborough (auth, filmmaker). 4 pm, Sanders Thtr, 
Memorial Hall, 45 Quincy St (at Oxford), Camb. 7th Ann Roger 
Tory Peterson Mem Lecture.
Info: http://www.hmnh.harvard.edu/events  Free tix req: Harv 
Box Offc, Holyoke Ctr: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~tickets 
Map/Dir: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~memhall/directions.html

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

MAR 21 - 24
Int’l Conf on Solid Waste Techn & Mngmnt. Philadelphia, PA

Is global warming already affecting the West's snow 
resources? Philip Mote, (U Wash). 2-3:30 pm, Rm 102, 
Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, New Haven, CT. 
Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 
*MON, MAR 22
Secrets of Great Lawns, David Mellor, Fenway Park 
Groundskeeper. 7 pm, Newton Free Library, 330 Homer St., 
Newton, MA. Spons: Green Decade Coalitn / Alternative to 
Pesticides Lawn Care Cmte. Info: http://www.greendecade.org    
Dir: http://www.ci.newton.ma.us/library/directions.htm

Focusing paleoclimate signals in Summit, Greenland 
ice cores, Linda Hinnov (Johns Hopkins U). 
12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via Ames St, Camb. 
Info:  http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  Map: 

Who Gained from Envir Regulatn? Low-Sulfur Coal & 1990 
Clean Air Act, Nathaniel Keohane (Yale) & Meghan Busse 
(U Cal Berkeley). 4-5:30 pm, Rm L332, Littauer Bldg, KSG, 
79 JFK St, Camb. Envir econ & policy seminar. Papers at website. 
Info: http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~ec2690hf  617-496-8054

Planning Boston, Rebecca Barnes FAIA (BRA). 
6-8 pm, Rabb Lecture Hall, Boston Public Libr, 
700 Boylston St, (Copley Sq) Boston. Info: 

Ornithological Gothic: John James Audubon & Tale of Golden 
Eagle, Prof Gregory Nobles (Georgia Inst Tech). 7 pm, Community 
Rm, Robbins Library, 700 Mass. Ave, Arlington (Ctr), MA Info: 781-
316-3438, contact at mysticriver.org http://www.robbinslibrary.org

MAR 24 - 25 
Globalcon 04: Energy, Power & Facility Mngmnt Strategies & Techn 
Conf. Hynes Conventn Ctr, Boston. Also, seminars on HVACs, Boiler 
Perf, Bldg Commissioning, Buying & Selling Energy, Distributed 
Generatn & Onsite CHP. Info: http://www.globalconevent.com
Complimentary expo ticket: http://www.aeevshow.com/pass.htm 

Breast Cancer Truth & Consequences Conf. Panels: Truth – 
Exploring Realities of Breast Cancer; & Consequences – 
Challenging Today's Breast Cancer Culture.  2 - 6:30 pm, 
Bentley College, Wilder Pavilion, Waltham, MA. 
Info: http://www.hurricanevoices.org/truth   617-928-3300

Heinrich & D/O events: It's the sea ice, Eli Tziperman 
(Harvard). 4 pm, Stone Sci Bldg, 675 Commonwealth Ave, 
STO Rm B36, Boston. MBTA: Green B Line - BU East stop. 
Info: http://www.bu.edu/es/colloquia 
Map: http://www.bu.edu/maps > adjacent to Bldg 23

Allagash Wilderness Waterway! Nat'l Treasure at Risk, Tim 
Caverly (Dir., ME PEER), 6:30 pm, 9 Bow St, Freeport, ME 
(nr L.L.Bean). Info:  207-723-4656, mepeer at peer.org  

MAR 25 & 26
The ‘Why’ of Conservation: A Reflective Leadership Retreat,
Wachusett Village, Westminster, MA. For resource conservatn 
& community preservatn conservationists (Pre-regstr only, 
space lim). Info/Regstr: 978-537-4458 x315; afreeman at ttor.org 

Chronic nitrogen enrichment affects the structure & function of 
soil microbial community in temperate hardwood & pine forests, 
Serita Frey (UNH). 11 am, Harvard Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler 
Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu 

Amy Russell, (Post doc). The Lords of the Wings: Population 
Genetic Structure & Gene Flow in a Widely Dispersing Bat 
Species. Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, 
New Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

MAR 26 & 27
2nd  Ann Integrated Design & Integrated Develpmt Conf 
(IDID). Keynote: Pliny Fisk; LEED Training; Wkshps. 
Holloway Commons, UNH, 75 Main St, Durham, NH
 Info: http://www.aianh.org/action/idid.shtml 
Map: http://www.unh.edu/wsbe/placement/hollowaymap.jpg 

Ecological Solutions for the Home: "Urban Ark"  Seminar & 
Tour, David & Elva Del Porto. 10 am – Noon. MA Loc on RSVP. 
Spons. Green Decade  Coalition/Newton. By reservation:  
617-969-5927, http://www.greendecade.org 

Ecological Solutions for the Home: "Urban Ark"  Seminar & 
Tour, David & Elva Del Porto.. 1 – 3 pm,  MA Loc on RSVP. 
Spons. Green Decade  Coalition/Newton. By reservation:  
617-969-5927, http://www.greendecade.org 

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 
91.9 fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm 
Newburyport, & WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: 
WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  
http://www.wumb.org  Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

MAR 28 - 31
 Global Windpower 2004 Conf & Exhibitn. Chicago, IL
Info: http://www.awea.org/global04.html 

Extra-tropical No Hemisphere land temperature variability over 
past 1000 yrs, Edward Cook (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory).
2-3:30 pm, Rm 102, Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, 
New Haven, CT. Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 

MAR 29 & 30
State of the Planet Conf. Earth Inst. Columbia U, NYC
Info: http://www.earth.columbia.edu

Agricultr & Water: Climate Change, Agricultr & Plant Disease,
Cynthia Rosenzweig, PhD, NASA Goddard Inst & Columbia Earth 
Inst; TBA  2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

When Smoke Fell Like Water: Tales of Envir Deceptn & Battle 
Against Pollutn), Devra Davis (auth). 7:30 pm, Marine Biological 
Lab, Lillie Auditorm, Woods Hole, MA. Info: 
Dir: http://www.mbl.edu/inside/visit/directions/index.html 

*WED, MAR 31
Market Driven Approaches to Environmental Protection:  
Trading & Banking of Pollution Allowances Seminar
7:30 am – Noon, DoubleTree Guest Suites, 550 Winter St,
Waltham, MA $95/145. Info: http://www.ebcne.org/meetings.htm  
Dir: http://www.dtgs.com 

*WED, MAR 31
Preformed Phosphate, Organic Pump & Atmospheric CO2: 
A new theory for efficiency of biological pumps in oceans,
Taka Ito (MIT). 12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, via 
Ames St, Camb. Info: http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

Earthscope: A "telescope" looking at & in the Earth, MIT  Prof. 
Thomas Herring. 3 – 4 pm, MIT Bldg 37 – Rm 212, 70 Vassar St, 
Camb. Info: http://events.mit.edu/scripts/event.pl?70284  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=37&Buildings=go 

Tufts Inst of Envir 1st  Enviro Alumni Event.
Time & Loc TBA. Info: tie at tufts.edu 

APRIL 2004

Ecological Economics: Reintegrating study of humans & 
rest of nature to create a sustainable & desirable future, 
Econ Prof Robert Costanza (U Vermont). 12:15 – 1:20 pm, 
Bicentennial Hall Rm 216, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT  
Info/Dir:  http://www.middlebury.edu/depts/es/events/woodin_series   

Forest history as a guide to mangmt in the Bolivian Amazon, Francis 
Jack Putz  (U Florida). 11 am, Harvard Forest, Seminar rm, Shaler 
Hall, Petersham, MA Info/Dir: http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu 

Cenomanian/Turonian Orbital Chronologies & Burial Flux 
Estimates: Calibrating the Biogeochemical Reconstruction of 
Oceanic Anoxic Event II, Stephen Meyer (Postdoc Fellow). 
Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, New 
Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

APR 2-4
Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conf.  Chapel Hill, NC 
Info: http://www.duke.edu/web/env_alliance/conference 

Toxics Action 2004 Annual Conf . Wentworth Inst of Technology, 
Huntington Ave Campus, Boston. Keynote: Prof Sheldon Krimsky 
(Tufts U; auth: http://www.tufts.edu/~skrimsky/books.htm ). Info: 
http://www.toxicsaction.org  MBTA Green “E” Line: MA College 
Art or MFA stops. Dir: http://www.wit.edu/pop_campusmap.html 

Sierra Club New Coastal & Marine Habitat & Wildlife Cmte Mtg. 
11 am – 1 pm, Sierra Club Office, 100 Boylston St #760, Boston. 
Info: http://www.sierraclubmass.org/events/events.html#special

APR 3 & 4
Funding, Finan. Mngmt & Marketing Wkshp Training Wkshp for 
Enviro & Social Justice Non-Profit Staff, Andy Robinson [auth: 
Grassrts Grants, Selling Social Chng (w/o Selling Out)]. 9 am – 
4:30 pm, Antioch NE Campus, Keene, NH. Spons: Enviro 
Advocacy & Org Prgrm, Antioch NE Grad Schl. Free. Info/Registr 
Req: andyfund at earthlink.net, 802-479-7365, 603-357-3122,
steven_chase at antiochne.edu, http://esdept.antiochne.edu/advocacy 

Climate Change Backpack Training – Tool Kit for educators,
science center & nature interpreters to teach about climate change. 
9:30 am -3:30 pm, Seacoast Science Ctr, 570 Ocean Blvd. Rye, NH
Free. Lunch $7. Pls RSVP by 3/30; Info: janderson at neaq.org, 
617-973-0256, http://www.nescc.info/programs.php#backpack 
Dir: http://www.seacentr.org/directions.html 

Coral Reefs & Forests: Threats to Coral Reefs: Potential Impacts 
for Human Health, Raymond Hayes, PhD, Howard U College of Med; 
What Constitutes a Healthy Forest? Wm Schlesinger, PhD, Duke.
2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, Bldg C, Harvard Med Schl, Boston. 
Public audit by arr. Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

A forward model of mid-ocean tides & tidal dissipatn: Present & 
Past, Brian Arbic  (GFDL). 12:10 - 1 pm, MIT Bldg 54 – Rm 915, 
via Ames St, Camb. Info:  http://www.mit.edu/~phuybers/sack.html  
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=54&Buildings=go 

Spatial Distributn of Air Quality Improvements Under Clean Air 
Act Amendments, Wayne Gray (Clark U), Cynthia Morgan (US EPA), 
& Ronald Shadbegian (UMass). 4-5:30 pm, Rm L332, Littauer Bldg, 
79 JFK St, Camb.  Envir econ & policy seminar. Papers at website. 
Info: http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~ec2690hf   617-496-8054

Henry Kendall Memorial Lecture, Dr. George Woodwell (Woods 
Hole Resrch Ctr). 5 pm, MIT Bldg 10 - Rm 250, via 77 Mass Ave, 
Camb.  Info:  esinfo at mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/esi
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=10&Buildings=go

EcoSalon: Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) New England 
Receptn & Legislative Update  Karen Wayland (NRDC Legisl 
Dir).  6 - 8 pm, Charles Hotel, Camb. E2 members & guests. 
Info: yli at nrdc.org, http://www.nrdc.org/e2 

Market Monitors: An Institutional Innovatn in Electricity Regulatn
Joseph Bowring (PJM Market Monitoring Unit). Noon -1:30 pm, 
Bell Hall, 5th Flr, Belfer Bldg, KSG, 79 JFK St, Camb. 
RSVP/Info: http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cbg/rpp/seminars.htm 
617-384-8319, rpp at ksg.harvard.edu 
Sustainable Development- Getting Engineers to Listen, Linda 
Morse (Nat Sustainable Develpmt Prgm Mngr, CH2M HILL).  
12:15 – 1:20 pm, Bicentennial Hall Rm 216, Middlebury 
College, Middlebury, VT  Info/Dir: 

Metal Cycling Through Plankton Communities: A Single-Cell 
Approach, Benjamin Twining ( Postdoc Fellow, YSF&ES). 
Noon, Rm 110, Envir Sci Ctr, 21 Sachem St, Yale U, New 
Haven, CT Info: http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar

Residence time of carbon in tropical, temperate & boreal forests: 
Limits on sequestration, Susan Trumbore, UC- Irvine.2-3:30 pm, 
Rm 102, Kline Geol Lab, 210 Whitney Ave, Yale U, New Haven, 
CT. Info:  http://www.yale.edu/yibs/calendar 

Sunlight is Life: Dawning of Solar Electric Architecture, Steven 
Strong (Pres, Solar Design Assoc). 4-6 pm, MIT Bldg 34 - Rm 101, 
50 Vassar St, Camb. Info: jwadams at mit.edu 
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?locate=bldg_34 

*TUE, APR 13
Meet the Scientists – Climate change presentatns by researchers 
for educators. 10am - 4 pm, Brown Univ, Providence, RI
Program includes: N.E. Land-use & carbon cycle; Paleo-climate
Lessons from oceans; Corporate role in climate negotiations; Role
of informal education; green tour of Brown U. Space limited;
register by 4/2; Free, $7 for lunch.  Spons: NE Sci Cntr Collab &
Brown U. Info/Registr: janderson at neaq.org, 617-973-0256.

Cleaning up w. Genomics: Applying Environmental Genome 
Sequencing & In Silico Biology to Enviro Restoratn & Energy 
Harvesting, Microbiology Prof Derek Lovley (U Mass).
Noon, MIT - Loc TBA. Info: esinfo at mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/esi 

Food & Envir: Sustainable Fisheries, Carl Safina, PhD, Blue 
Ocean Inst; Sustainable Agricult, Fred Kirschenmann, PhD 
Kirschenmann Family Farms. 2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, 
Bldg C, Harv Med Schl, Boston. Public audit by arr. 
Info: http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

TUE, APR 13   
Nature of Water: Antebellum Reform & Crusade for Municipal 
Water in Boston, Michael Rawson (U Wisc), Comment: Clay 
McShane (Northeastern). Envir History Seminar. 5:15 pm, 
Mass Historical Soc, 1154 Boylston St, Boston.  T: Green, 
Hynes CC Stop. Paper avail. in adv. Info: svose at masshist.org, 
617-646-0518, http://www.masshist.org/events 

APR 13 - 15
Earth Technologies Forum: Climate change & stratospheric 
ozone. Washington, DC Info: http://www.earthforum.com  

For events after 4/13, see Beyond at 

Dear Friend,

Do you appreciate the Cambridge Climate Calendar and 
the grassroots activism of Mass. Climate Action Network? 
Your tax deductible, charitable donation is needed 
& welcome.  Then see your generosity at work at 
& http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

Please make checks payable to "Commonwealth Foundation,"
(a 501c3), and mail to:

Michael Charney, Editor/Co-chair
PO Box 390554
Cambridge, MA 02139

Give your friends a greener New Year. They can subscribe to
CCC by sending a blank email to: CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com  

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MC, ed.
JOBS & RESOURCES    = New.  [For archival resources, 
including reports, websites, actions, briefings, jobs etc, see full 
JOBS & RESOURCES at bottom of any website version of CCC
at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html & Resources at left.]

*Swiss Re, world’s 2nd largest insurer warns 
of global warming catastrophe. At Feature at 
left at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

*Bush Puts Giant Sequoias on Chopping Block 
Info: http://www.rense.com/general49/chop.htm 

*Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil, Interview w author David 
Goodstein. WBUR On Point Radio Archive: 

*NEEP’s High Performance Schools Exchange E-zine:

*Pentagon Scenario on Abrupt Climate Change 
*Position: Exec Dir – Mass. Bicycle Coalition. Info: www.massbike.org

The Apollo Project:  Democrats' Moon Shot  
Info: http://tompaine.com/feature2.cfm/ID/9820 

Climate Collapse: The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare, David 
Stipp, Fortune, 1/26/04.  Abrupt climate change as nat’l security issue.
See:  “Feature” at left at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

Position: Postdoc Resrch Economist, MIT Joint Program Sci & Policy 
of Global Info: http://web.mit.edu/globalchange/www/jobs.html 

For more Resources, see http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
& click Resources on left and Resources at bottom of Beyond.

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