jellyfin@MIT.EDU jellyfin at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 19 13:48:19 EST 2004

Hi Everyone: 

Each year at registration time - I am asked by Dr. Eric Chivian's 
office, (Dr. Chivian is the Director of the Center for Health and the 
Global Environment, at the Harvard Medical School), to forward the 
attached information to you regarding a course (Human Health and 
Global Environmental Change) which is given at the Harvard Medical 
School.  This term the course will be starting February 3, 2004. 
Sessions will be held each Tuesday afternoon from February 3, 2004 - 
May 4, 2004, 2:00-6:00 PM
in the Cannon Room, Building C, Harvard Medical School

Interdisciplinary faculty, including some of the foremost experts in 
the country, teaches the course.  This elective course is also unique 
in that it is open to students from every school at Harvard, as well 
as from MIT and the Tufts Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.  The 
course has received the highest marks possible from many students who 
have taken it in the past two years (including those enrolled from 
MIT).  The course will provide an overview of the basic physics, 
chemistry, and biology of global environmental change, and the 
potential consequences of these changes for human health.  Lectures 
will be followed by small group discussion sections.  The topics to 
be covered are listed on the agenda, which is attached (if you are 
unable to open it please let me know and I will send it to you within 
the text of an e-mail - or mail you a copy).

Please contact Margaret Thomsen of Harvard 
(Margaret_Thomsen at hms.harvard.edu) or Tracy Graham at Harvard 
(617-384-8530, email: Tracy_Graham at hms.harvard.edu), or Dr. Chivian
(eric_chivian at hms.harvard.edu) for information about registration or 
any other questions you might have, etc.

Please let me know if you cannot open the attachment.

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Jacqueline A. Donoghue
Assistant to
Professor David H. Marks
Director, Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room E40-455
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Tel:   617-253-7103
Fax:  617-258-6099
E-mail: jellyfin at mit.edu
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