[Save] Sewage Treatment - Deer Island Tour - Tuesday, May 4th

Karen E. Robinson krobinso at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 23 10:36:41 EDT 2004


Come see what happens after you flush a Boston toilet.

Some of us have been talking about going to Deer Island -- the Boston
Harbor Island where sewage treatment is done for "43 greater Boston
communities"* just about forever.  Now it's happening.  There are
public tours on Tuesdays, it turns out, and we're going Tuesday, May
4, 10am-noon.  I know this tends to be a busy time of year..  Please
respond to Alex if you're interested:

mevay at means.mit.edu

Pass this on to individuals, but please don't send this to other
mailing lists.

- karen

* www.mwra.state.ma.us/03sewer/html/sewditp.htm

------- Forwarded Message

Return-Path: <mevay at means.mit.edu>
To: cruftlabs at mit.edu, mattxmal at mit.edu, aleida-skippers at mit.edu, amb at mit.edu,
   lizd at bu.edu
Subject: Deer Island Tour
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 10:54:25 -0400
From: Alex MeVay <mevay at means.mit.edu>

For all of you who are interested in finding out what goes on inside
the dinosaur eggs, I've reserved some space on their public tour.
Tuesday, May 4, 10am-noon.  I'll be leaving from around MIT a little
after 9 AM and can take some people.  I reserved for 6 people, but
that can be changed, presumably.

If you want to come, tell me by this Sunday:

Would you like to carpool?
How many people can you drive (including you)?
Driver's license state and number (or number of other specified state ID)
(this is required by them for security)

I'll email next week with more details.  If more people reply than can
be accomodated, I'll choose based on how much I like you.

Three cheers to getting shitty,

- -Alex

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