[Save] ESI Seminar- Tuesday 4/20

Matthew Gardner gardner at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 14 15:04:14 EDT 2004

Earth System Initiative Seminar

Tuesday April 20, 12 Noon, 68-181

Part I of a two lecture series:

"Origin of Life I: The View From Biology"

Dr. Hyman Hartman
Biological Engineering Division, MIT

Starting from a view of embryology and its relationship to the evolution of 
multicellular organisms, we will concentrate on the origin and evolution of 
the eukaryotic cell culminating with the central dogma DNA-> RNA -> 
Protein.  A discussion of the origin and evolution of the genetic code and 
the possibility of a RNA world will then follow.  I will end this talk with 
a discussion of the possible prebiotic sources of the nucleotides and the 
amino acids which is the problem of the primordial soup.

Lunch will be served

The second lecture will be Thursday April 29, 2004 at 12 Noon in 68-181.

Matthew Gardner, Ph.D.
Program Administrator
Earth System Initiative, 16-177
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, 02139
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