<font size=6 color="#000080"><b><u>Earth System Initiative
</u></font><font size=5 color="#FF0000">Tuesday April 20, 12 Noon, 68-181
</font><font size=5 color="#800000">Part I of a two lecture
</font><font size=6 color="#800000">"</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=6 color="#800000">Origin
of Life I: The View From Biology</font>"<br><br>
<font size=5 color="#FF0000">Dr. Hyman Hartman<br>
</font><font size=4 color="#FF0000">Biological Engineering Division, MIT
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica">Starting from a view of embryology
and its relationship to the evolution of multicellular organisms, we will
concentrate on the origin and evolution of the eukaryotic cell
culminating with the central dogma DNA-> RNA -> Protein. A
discussion of the origin and evolution of the genetic code and the
possibility of a RNA world will then follow. I will end this talk
with a discussion of the possible prebiotic sources of the nucleotides
and the amino acids which is the problem of the primordial
</font>Lunch will be served<br><br>
The second lecture will be Thursday April 29, 2004 at 12 Noon in
Matthew Gardner, Ph.D.<br>
Program Administrator<br>
Earth System Initiative, 16-177<br>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br>
Cambridge, MA, 02139<br>
<a href="http://web.mit.edu/esi" eudora="autourl">http://web.mit.edu/esi</a></html>