[Save] Fwd: MCP Seminar Friday Oct. 31st, 1 pm by Uma Rajarantham (TERI)

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 28 10:16:28 EST 2003

>Seminar of interest.
>Joint Mexico City Air Quality Project and
>MIT-Harvard Seminar Course on Environmental Management
>Urban Air Pollution in India
>Uma Rajarantham
>  The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
>New Delhi, India
>(Currently Fulbright Fellow  at the Health Effects Institute)
>October 31, 2003
>1:00 - 2:30
>Room 54-915
>Urban air quality particularly, particulate matter pollution is of 
>serious concern to many cities in India. This attracts increasing 
>attention from policy makers, The supreme court of India, research 
>institutions, universities and donor agencies. In the recent years 
>lot of policy interventions are being under taken to address the 
>urban air pollution problem. However many unanswered questions about 
>the major sources of air pollution still exist. The presentation 
>would cover the analysis of past and recent work on urban air 
>pollution carried out in India that can be used to assess the 
>contribution of different sources of air pollution. Based on the 
>review, summary of state of the art knowledge, gaps in data and 
>analysis and future needs will be addressed.
>About the Speaker:
>Ms Uma Rajarantham is a Fellow from TERI (The Energy and Resources 
>Institute), New Delhi, India. She has more than a decade experience 
>on air quality issues in India. Currently she is on her Fulbright 
>Indo American Environmental Leadership Program fellowship, and 
>associated with Health Effects Institute for a period of 5 weeks, 
>for learning more about "Estimation of health impacts of air 
>pollution in India" focusing specially on extrapolating the research 
>conducted in developed countries to Indian situation.
>About TERI
>A unique developing-country institution, TERI is deeply committed to 
>every aspect of sustainable development. From providing 
>environment-friendly solutions to rural energy problems to helping 
>shape the development of the Indian oil and gas sector; from 
>tackling global climate change issues across many continents to 
>enhancing forest conservation efforts among local communities; from 
>advancing solutions to growing urban transport and air pollution 
>problems to promoting energy efficiency in the Indian industry, the 
>emphasis has always been on finding innovative solutions to make the 
>world a better place to live in. However, while TERIís vision is 
>global, its roots are firmly entrenched in Indian soil. All 
>activities in TERI move from formulating local- and national-level 
>strategies to suggesting global solutions to critical energy and 
>environment-related issues.
>Suggested Reading List:
>Please visit the following web site for more details: www.teriin.org
>TERI web site on indoor air quality:   http://www.teriin.org/indoor/indoor.htm
>Report prepared for the World Bank:  Review of past and on-going 
>work on urban air quality in India 

Karen  L. Gibson
Program Assistant
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
(1 Amherst St., E40-469 - for DHL and FedEx)
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
Tel:  1 (617) 258-6368; Fax:  1 (617) 258-6590
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