[Save] CIS Starr Forum/Natl Security & Civil Liberties/Nov. 2

sarah anderson sarahwa at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 28 08:15:17 EST 2003

M I T    C E N T E R    F O R    I N T E R N A T I O N A L    S T U D I E S

and  The New England Japanese American Citizens League

Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA)
"National Security &
Civil Liberties"

Followed by a roundtable discussion with
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA)
MIT Political Science Professor Kenneth Oye,
Merrie Najimi of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee,
and Margie Yamamoto of the Japanese American Citizens League

2:00 - 4:00 p.m.

The panel will discuss the USA Patriot Act
and other post-9/11 civil liberties issues.
A reception will follow the Forum.


MIT Medical Building Auditorium
E 25 (Whitaker Building) / Room 111 / 45 Carleton Street
(half a block from the Kendall T Stop in Cambridge)
online map:


Co-sponsored by: The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee, Coalition 
for Asian Pacific American Youth, The Harry H. Dow Memorial Legal 
Assistance Fund, The Institute for Asian American Studies at UMass Boston, 
Organization of Chinese Americans/New England Chapter

In cooperation with: Asian American Resource Workshop, Asian American 
Journalists Association/New England, Asian Pacific American Agenda 
Coalition, and others

CONTACT:  starrforum at mit.edu

Sarah Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Center for International Studies
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
292 Main Street (E38-600)
Cambridge MA 02139
phone 617-253-8306
fax 617-253-9330
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