[Save] PHRJ Upcoming Events

Susan Frick fricks at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 14 17:07:34 EDT 2003

Upcoming Events Sponsored by the MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice

Human Rights Institutions (1st of 3 in Summer Interns Speaker Series)
Thursday October 16, 2003, 5:00-6:30 p.m. E-38-714, 292 Main Street

*Bruce Au, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
American Civil Liberties Union, Washington, DC

*Afiya Ayo Whisby, Architecture
NAACP, Atlanta, Georgia

*Sonia Kim, Urban Studies & Planning
Citizens Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, Seoul, South Korea

Trade, Resource Inequalities, and Human Rights (2nd of 3 in Summer Interns 
Speaker Series)

Thursday October 30, 2003, 5:00-6:30 p.m. E-38-615, 292 Main Street

*Apiwat Ratanawaraha, Urban Studies & Planning
UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland

*Maggie Scott, Urban Studies & Planning
Institute for Political Ecology, Santiago, Chile

  *Jean Walsh, Urban Studies & Planning
Fair Trade Coffee project, Peru

  *Jessica Zaman, Chemical Engineering
ITN, Bangladesh

Forms of Inequality and Human Rights (3rd of 3 in Summer Interns Speaker 

Thursday November 6, 2003 5:00-6:30 p.m. E-38-615, 292 Main Street

*Rajendra Kumar, Urban Studies & Planning
Sustainable Access in Rural India Project, Madras, India

*Meghan Fennelly, Urban Studies & Planning
Forum for African Educationalists, Accra, Ghana

*Katherine Ricke, Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Science
Akha Heritage Foundation, Thailand

* Anne Pollack, Science, Technology & Society
Forum Against the Oppression of Women in Bombay, India

National Security and Civil Liberties

Mike Honda
Sunday November 2, 2003
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Building E-25-111
Mike is a Japanese American who was interned during WWII.  He was one of 
the very few in the U.S. Congress with the courage to vote against the USA 
Patriot Act.
Co-sponsored by PHRJ, the Center for International Studies/Starr Forum
New England Japanese American Citizens League

Negotiation with the Colombian Paramilitaries and Transitional Justice:
Asymmetry, Symmetry or War Strategy?

Dr. Mauricio Romero, Colombia

Thursday November 13, 2003 5:00-6:30 p.m.
E28-714 (292 Main Street, 7th floor conference room)

Towards Accountability: A Conference on Human Rights and Impunity in India

Saturday November 15, 2003
4:30-6:30 p.m. 10-250

The conference will focus on the human rights violations in the regions of 
Kashmir, Punjab and Gujarat and the subsequent impunity enjoyed by the 
perpetrators, including state actors. The workshops held during the 
conference will explore mechanisms to strengthen the linkages between 
regional and international human rights actors, and expanding existing 
regional advocacy processes internationally. This panel discussion will be 
open to the general public.

Other human rights-related events at MIT

Ballots vs. Bullets: The Prospects for Peace in Guatemala
Iduvina Hernandez, independent journalist & activist

Thursday, October 9, 2003 7:00 p.m.
MIT Room 14E-304

Sponsored by the MIT Western Hemisphere Project and the MIT Women's
Studies Program

America- An Empire?

Wednesday October 22, 2003 4:00 p.m.

MIT Tang Center, 70 Memorial Drive

*Stephen W. Bosworth, dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy of 
Tufts University

*Michael Ignatieff, Carr Professor of the Practice of Human Rights and 
director of the Carr Center of Human Rights Policy at the John F. Kennedy 
School of Government, Harvard University

*Arnold Kanter, principal and founding member of The Scowcroft Group

*Enid C.B. Schoettle, a consultant on international organizations and 
global issues and special advisor to the chairman of the U.S. National 
Intelligence Council

For more information, please contact:

Susan Frick
Program on Human Rights and Justice
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
E-38 Room 277
292 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617 258 7614
Fax: 617 452 3962
Email: <mailto:fricks at mit.edu>fricks at mit.edu or 
<mailto:phrj at mit.edu>phrj at mit.edu
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