[Save] TODAY! Tuesday, October 14 Waste Sort Information

Justin Adams jwadams at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 14 08:58:51 EDT 2003

Last week went great!  We sorted through 7.5 cubic yards of trash to find 
hundreds of pounds of recyclables.  The weather was beautiful and it was a 
lot of fun.

Your first assignment as volunteers is to recruit another person to come 
along, even if just for part of the event.  We need people power for this 
event.  Please bring a friend or fellow colleague to sort through your 
neighbors trash:)

The list of volunteers for the waste sort to occur next week (10/14/03) is 
as follows:  Justin Adams, Amanda Graham, Dan Winograd, Marc Fournier, 
Kelly Johnson, Kevin Brulois, Churchill Yong, Rachel Valdez, Jonathan 
Tejada, Aron Walker, Jennifer Combs, Matt Zedler, Brian Foti, Zhanna 
Davidovitz, Blossom Hoag
If you don't see your name and would like to volunteer please let me know 
via email.
If you don't see your name and aren't sure if you want to volunteer just 
show up, participate, or just watch.

When and where will we meet?
The event will officially begin at 3pm and end at 5pm at Kresge, near the 
steps of the student center
What should you wear?
Pants and boots or hikers.  Coveralls, gloves, and safety glasses will be 
What should you expect?
The goal of this event is to be fun, informative, and a chance to meet 
other people interested in the environment.  Volunteers will be sorting 
through bags of trash and recyclables from the Student Center, New House, 
and Building 17A.  These materials will be carefully segregated, weighed, 
and cataloged.  Food, beverages, and music will be provided at the event.
What is this all for?
Waste audit means finding out how much paper, glass, food waste, etc. is 
discarded in your waste stream. Waste characterization information helps in 
planning how to reduce waste, set up recycling programs, and conserve money 
and resources.
What do you do if it is raining?
The event will be postponed to Oct. 14 at the same time and in front of the 
Student Center. 
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