[Save] Updated: N.E. Grassroots Climate Conf. at Tufts Nov 16.

Michael Charney cambclimact at aol.com
Fri Nov 14 14:11:10 EST 2003

Dear New England Environmentalist,

NE's 3rd Annual Grassroots Climate Action Conf is this Sunday at Tufts 
U. just outside Boston.  Again, we have a very strong program:   See our 
new "Full Program" & "Speakers Bio's" now up at 
http://www.massclimateaction.org (PDF & Word) & see for yourself.

You can do "walk'in"  but if you RSVP to CambClimAct at aol.com, we can 
ease you through registration & on to breakfast & meeting others.

Please see & forward the e-flier below to friends who want to get active 
locally and vocally to stabilize the climate!

Michael Charney
Editor & Publisher of NE Climate & Enviro Calendar
Conference Chair & MCAN Co-chair
CambClimAct at aol.com

                         Please Forward

Mass. Climate Action Network's & Tufts Climate Initiative's 
                  3rd Annual MA and NE

Sunday, Nov. 16, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Tufts University, Cabot Hall, Medford, MA

· Learn what citizens, businesses, towns, and states can do and are 
· Network with climate activists, technical & policy experts from Mass. 
& New England

Keynote Speakers:
"Rhode Island's Climate Plan, Local Buy-in and Regional Synergy,"
Jan Reitsma, Frmr Dir., Rhode Island Dept. of Envir. Man.

"Europe Leads: Cutting Carbon Affordably,"
Michael Northrop, Rockefeller Brothers Fund

18+ Workshops:
* Local climate action plans & GHG reduction strategies
* Climate change science, human & ocean impacts, solutions
* Regional Climate Plan & Realities     *Greening Town & Gown
* Green schools & capital projects   * Transport: VMT's & Fuel Use
* Community Wind Projects & Cape Wind      * Allied Efforts
* Getting Ink!    * Global warming education for K-12 & public
* Pushing state & regional policy & action    * Organizing Skills

Registration:  $40 at door, includes breakfast & lunch. 
Student rate: $30 at door; If group, please call 617-492-6614.

To speed registration at door: Please e-RSVP if possible.
& Bring checks payable to: "Commonwealth Foundation."

Program & registration:  http://www.massclimateaction.org  
Complete & updated "Program" & "Speaker Bio's" newly posted on MCAN's 
website:  <http://www.massclimateaction.org>  

Info: CambClimAct at aol.com  or  781-643-5911 

Directions to Cabot Center, 170 Packard Ave, Fletcher Schl, Tufts U, 
Medford, MA
at: http://www.fletcher.tufts.edu/directions/Default.asp

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CCC Website is updated with integrated Index & Detailed Listings, at: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html
SCROLL DOWN to Detailed Listings section.

Supplements to weekly issue may have Index only, If so, go to Website for full Detailed Listings and Index.
SUBMISSIONS: Climate, enviro & sustainability notices for lectures, events, and resources relevant to Metro-Boston are most welcome.

Send concise text to <CambClimAct at aol.com>  Please no attachments.

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Thank you. - Editor
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Note: The most updated CCC is posted at:  http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html

Scroll down below Index for Detailed Listing.

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Website: http://www.topica.com/lists/CambClimCal
Note: email addresses are abbreviate and functional in archive. 

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