[Save] Fwd: Free Plants! Celebrate America Recycles Day!

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 14 09:00:38 EST 2003

Don't forget-- it's today!

         FREE PLANTS!

>The time has come, once again, to join SAVE (Share A Vital Earth) in 
>celebrating America Recycles Day!
>Come to the Student Center (first floor) on Friday, November 14, and take 
>home a free houseplant. We'll be there between 10am and 4pm.
>While you're there, learn more about recycling at MIT from the Working 
>Group Committee on Recycling. Bring any questions and comments you have 
>about what happens to your newspapers and cans.
>for more information on the national movement, check out 
>Spread the awareness! Tell everyone you know that November 15 is America 
>Recycles Day!

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