[Save] 11/11, 7pm: Hemisphere Open Meeting, MIT 4-231
hemisphere-announce at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 10 17:05:43 EST 2003
MIT Western Hemisphere Project
Open Meeting (November)
Tuesday, November 11
7 pm in MIT Room 4-231
Agenda (i.e., planning) to be discussed at Tuesday's meeting:
* Thanksgiving event on Navajo/Hopi weaving/environment/economics
* January film series -- suggestions?
* January seminar on doing public service abroad -- participants?
* Drama/poetry performance (Julia de Burgos), Spring term
* Anything else you would like to propose or discuss
Light refreshments will be provided.
Our open meetings give you a chance to tell us what activities and
events you would like to see or *help organize*. Each semester we hold
these meetings on Registration Day and also on the 2nd Tuesday of each
month. This semester all our open meetings are at 7 pm in room 4-231.
Schedule: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/meetings/
E-mail: hemisphere-admin at mit.edu
Web: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/
Directions: http://web.mit.edu/hemisphere/directions/
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