[Save] volunteers needed for plant handouts!

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 6 02:13:16 EST 2003

Help! We still need volunteers to help hand out free plants in celebration 
of Massachusetts Recycles Day!

The day is actually the 15th, a Saturday, so we'll have a table in the 
Student Center on November 14. Here's how it works:
We bring houseplants, seeds, small pots, soil, and rooting hormone. For a 
passerby who wants a plant, we fill a pot with soil, then plant seeds in 
it, or take a cutting from one of the mother plants and stick it in the 
pot. It's incredibly easy, and very enjoyable-- it's always amazing how 
happy people are to get free plants.

--We need volunteers to man the booth on Friday, November 14 between 10:00 
am (or maybe 11:00) and 4:00 or 5:00 pm. If you can, please sign up for an 
hour or a few, and/or to help with setup or cleanup; if you don't know what 
you're doing, never fear-- we'll show you how. Technically, we only need 
one person at a time, but it's much more fun if we have a couple people 
handing out plants, and sometimes the booth gets so busy that two are 
actually necessary to keep up with demand.

I can do setup, cleanup, and an hour or two any time except 12-2. Reply to 
me (jalee at mit.edu) to tell me what times you can help; I'll organize a list.


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