[Save] Lobby MA Senate for Green Buildings, Amendmt #65 to S.2127
mslow at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 4 15:45:06 EST 2003
Please spread the message!
----- Forwarded message from Lara Greden <lgreden at MIT.EDU> -----
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 15:21:43 -0500
From: Lara Greden <lgreden at MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: Lara Greden <lgreden at MIT.EDU>
Subject: Lobby MA Senate for Green Buildings, Amendmt #65 to S.2127
To: bt-lab at mit.edu
Hi all,
You may be interested in making a quick and simple phone call to ask your
state senator to support Amendment 65 - Green Building Incentive
Program. All you do is call and say you want him/her to support it, no
questions asked!
PS. If you live on campus, this is your senator:
Telephone: (617) 722-1500
>To the Green Building Coalition, All Environmentalists, and Green Building
>If you want Green Building Incentives for Massachusetts, PLEASE CALL & FAX
>your State Senator TODAY & TOMORROW to tell them to support "Amendment
>#65: To Establish a Green Building Incentive Program," an amendment to
>the Senate's Economic Stimulus Bill, S. 2127.*
>Amendment #65 was submitted by Senator Susan Fargo and is based directly
>on her bill S. 1733 which our Green Building Coalition helped draft,
>testified for and supports.
>The Economic Stimulus Bill will be taken up by the full Senate at Noon,
>Wednesday, November 5, so time is of the essence.
>Find your State Senator's phone, fax or email using this link:
>Note: Faxes and calls are best. Email is less effective. If you use
>email, please put your "ask" in the Subject Line as well as in the body.
>Be sure to tell them you are their constituent!
>While I cannot vouch for the larger Economic Stimulus Bill - a work in
>progress and fully in play - I can vouch for Amendment 65 and the
>importance of this moment.
>This is the first time the Green Building Coalition's Green Building
>Incentive Bill has effectively gotten out of committee and onto the Senate
>It is our best and likely the only opportunity this session to have our
>legislation debated and possibly adopted by the full Senate.
>So PLEASE ACT NOW. Make you support count ASAP! So, by fax, phone,
>horseback (and less effectively, email) LOBBY NOW!
>Reasons to support Amendment 65 are as an economic stimulus and for
>environmental, energy security, and public health benefits. See details
>provided in the S.1733 Fact Sheet and Senator Fargo's letter below.
>Also, see the Q&A on our GBC website
>http://www.gbreb.com/greenbuildings - which basically still applies.
>But it is enough simply to tell your Senator to vote for Amendment #65 to
>the Economic Stimulus Bill.
>Note: Supporting Amendment #65 is not an endorsement of S.2127 which has
>attracted at least 64 and surely more, other amendments. All need to be
>Note also: The House version of the Economic Stimulus Bill does not
>include a Green Building amendment. So there is no second chance.
>Thank your for your help.
>Please forward this letter to colleagues, and call and fax now!
>Yours truly,
>Michael Charney, MD, Co-chair, Green Building Coalition
>mcha6677 at aol.com
>*Formerly S.2124, and also described as "An Act to Promote Job Creation,
>Economic Stability and Competitiveness." Text at:
>**Text of S.1733 is at: http://www.state.ma.us/legis/bills/st01733.htm
>Enclosures: Fact Sheet for S.1733; & Letter from Senator Fargo to
>Co-Sponsors of S.1733 requesting endorsement of Amendment now numbered 65.
>Massachusetts Green Building Incentive Program
>Supported by The Green Building Coalition
>Brief Introduction
>The construction and operation of buildings has the single most
>environmental impact of any human activity. In order to reduce this
>impact, the Green Building Incentive Program will provide tax credits to
>building developers, owners and tenants who, for commercial and
>multi-family residential buildings, invest in measures to:
>a. increase energy efficiency,
>b. improve indoor air quality, and
>c. reduce the environmental impacts.
>This bill is based on the New York State Green Building Tax Credit Statute
>that became law in May 2000. Lead coalition participants in New York
>included the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Real Estate Board of
>New York, and the New York Environmental Business Association. The bill
>also received strong support from labor communities.
>Environmental Benefits
>The bill will promote better energy and environmental practices for
>building design, construction and maintenance, and increase demand for
>new, clean technologies and environmentally preferable building products
>and services. The bill will also reduce water and energy consumption and
>landfill demand, thus addressing a host of environmental problems
>including ozone depletion, acid rain, toxins, and climate change.
>Economical Benefits
>This bill will create industry and public awareness of resource management
>that will improve the quality of life for building occupants in a
>sustainable and profitable way. The Commonwealth is home to more
>businesses involved in energy efficiency and green building construction
>than anywhere else in the nation. By enacting this legislation, we will
>help to promote this industry, create jobs and continue to maintain the
>Commonwealth's unique position as a leader among states.
>Eligibility Summary
>The application must include certification by a licensed architect or
>engineer that the base building and/or tenant space meets the criteria set
>forth in the legislation. Standards will be developed by state agencies,
>a. Energy Efficiency: Energy use for new buildings must not exceed 65% of
>use permitted under the Massachusetts Building and/or Energy Code
>(rehabilitated buildings must not exceed 75%).
>b. Indoor Air Quality: Ventilation, thermal comfort and air quality must
>meet specified requirements.
>c. Building Materials: Materials must meet specified criteria regarding
>minimum percentages of recycled content and renewable source material and
>maximum levels of toxicity.
>Tax Credit Provisions
>The bill includes the following tax credits spread over a five year period:
>1. Green Whole Building: Up to 7% tax credit on overall capital costs and
>up to 8% tax credit if built in an economic development area.
>2. Green Base Building (whole building minus tenant spaces): Up to 5% tax
>credit on overall capital costs and up to 6% tax credit if built in an
>economic development area.
>3. Green Tenant Space: Up to 5% tax credit on overall capital costs and
>up to 6% tax credit if built in an economic development area.
>4. Photovoltaic Module Credit Component (solar power): 100% of the
>incremental cost for integrating PV modules.
>5. Fuel Cell Credit Component: 30% of the incremental cost for
>integrating fuel cells.
>The Green Building Coalition includes: Abt Associates, Inc., American
>Consulting Engineers Council of Massachusetts, Boston Society of
>Architects, Building Envelope Committee - BSA, Building Owners and
>Managers Association - GBREB, The Cadmus Group, Inc., Clean Water Action,
>Committee on the Environment - BSA, DMI - Demand Management Institute,
>Inc., Ecology and Environment Professional Interest Council (JFK School of
>Gov't), Environmental League of Massachusetts, Greater Boston Coalition on
>the Environment and Jewish Life, Greater Boston Real Estate Board, Green
>Roundtable, Massachusetts Audubon Society, Massachusetts Climate Action
>Network, MassPIRG, New Ecology, Inc., Northeast Sustainable Energy
>Association, Renewable News Network, Rental Housing Association -
>GBREB. *** For information, contact Michael Charney at
>(617) 492-6614, CambClimAct at aol.com
>was filed 11/04 and assigned as Amendment #65 to S.2127
>FW: Senator Fargo Amendment to the Economic Stimulus Bill
>Date: 11/3/2003 4:44:05 PM Eastern Standard Time
>From: Timothy.O'Neill at state.ma.us
> -----Original Message-----
>From: O'Neill, Timothy
>Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 4:19 PM
>To: Brewer, Stephen; Creem, Cynthia Stone; Chandler, Harriette-SEN;
>Glodis, Guy; Hedlund, Robert; Magnani, David; Melconian, Linda; Pacheco,
>Marc; Shannon, Charles; Tarr, Bruce; Tolman, Steven
>Subject: Senator Fargo Amendment to the Economic Stimulus Bill
>Dear Colleague,
>Thank you for co-sponsoring Senate Bill 1733, "An Act Establishing a Green
>Building Incentive Program". As you know, Senate Bill 1733 addresses the
>need in Massachusetts to promote better energy and environmental practices
>for building design, construction and maintenance. Specifically, this
>bill will provide tax credits to building developers, owners and tenants
>who, for commercial and multi-family residential buildings, invest in
>measures to increase energy efficiency, improve indoor air quality, and
>reduce negative environmental impacts.
>The benefits of this legislation are substantial. Energy use will
>decrease, as green building design and technology heating and cooling
>costs are cut dramatically. Alternative energy sources will reduce fossil
>fuel use, thereby reducing air, land and water pollution in Massachusetts.
>Additionally, burning less fossil fuel will better protect our health by
>reducing power plant emissions that cause lung and heart disease,
>contaminate our food and water supply, and harm developing children. This
>legislation also contains several key economic incentives. Worldwide,
>quality green commercial and residential space is increasingly recognized
>as a competitive advantage. Green development practices will strengthen
>the Massachusetts building industry and economy, as competition increases
>amongst architects, engineers, builders, developers and providers of green
>building products and services. An investment in Green Buildings today
>will pay dividends in the future.
>In light of the fact that the Economic Stimulus Bill before the Senate
>will promote increased development in the corporate sector and in the
>housing market, I will file Senate Bill 1733 as an amendment to the Senate
>economic plan. Therefore, please consider signing on as a co-sponsor of
>this amendment, and together we will help promote environmentally sound
>development and further support a growing sector of our local economy
>dedicated to the creation and implementation of clean, efficient energy
>I have included the bill text and a fact sheet for Senate Bill 1733. If
>you would like to sign onto this amendment, please contact Tim O'Neill at
>722-1572 before 10:30 A.M. tomorrow. Thank you again for your continued
>Best Wishes,
>Senator Susan C. Fargo
>3rd Middlesex
> < Incentive Program-Fact sheet.doc
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