[Save] REMINDER: John Ochsendorf to speak tonight 5:30PM in 4-237

Philip Sheehy sheehy at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 11 10:57:40 EST 2003

Take a break before you start studying for final exams!!!

The Students for Global Sustainability, MIT Student Pugwash, Engineers 
Without Frontiers and Design that Matters invite you to:

Building a Sustainable Future:
The Role of Architecture and Construction

Professor John Ochsendorf, MIT Dept of Architecture
TODAY!!! at 5:30PM in 4-237

The construction and operation of buildings consumes enormous quantities of 
natural resources worldwide. Buildings consume more energy and materials 
than almost all other sectors of American industry. This public lecture 
provides an overview of the environmental impact of buildings and the 
specific barriers to a more sustainable construction industry. The lecture 
also highlights the important role for architects and engineers in 
improving the design and construction of the built environment worldwide.

snacks and refreshments provided
please forward to any interested parties


this event is sponsored by LEF
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