[Save] Dell campaign

Manshi Low mslow at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 3 14:58:15 EST 2003


I am just passing this message along.  Would SAVE be interested in 
endorsing the "Computer Take Back Campaign?"


>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
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>Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:36:04 -0500
>To: Manshi Low <mslow at MIT.EDU>
>From: Kara Reeve <kreeve at cleanwater.org>
>Subject: Re: Dell campaign
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>Hi Manshi,
>Thanks for the articles--I actually met the woman from Perdue mentioned in 
>the first article at a conference this summer.  She was giving a 
>presentation on her research.
>Are you involved with SAVE at all or any other student group on 
>campus?  If so, is there any chance the group could "endorse" the Computer 
>Take Back Campaign?  It's really easy and I've attached a form.
>Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving.
>Clean Water Action
>Computer TakeBack Campaign Organizer
>617.338.8131 phone
>617.338.6449 fax
>kreeve at cleanwater.org
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