[Save] Tour of Photovoltaic Manufacturing Facility - Dec 10 - 7 pm - Billerica, MA
Manshi Low
mslow at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 3 06:41:13 EST 2003
A classmate is offering the tour. They are also the people who installed
the PV on W20! If you have questions or RSVP, please contact Jamie Braman
directly, jamie.braman at rweschottsolar.usa. Transportation is being
arranged. Have a nice day!
>Subject: Tour of Solar Plant
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>Hello Class,
>Jaimie Braman has invited the class to tour the photovoltaic manufacturing
>facility where he works. Details below:
>To my fellow students in Sustainability -
>December 10, 7:00p.
>I would like to invite our entire class to tour our photovoltaic
>manufacturing facility in Billerica, MA - Come visit the 5th largest
>Photovoltaic manufacturer in the world! This year we have manufactured
>just over 8 Megawatts and are in the process of ramping up production to 20
>Megawatts in the next few years. See our latest Research and development
>efforts focusing on both building integrated photovoltaics, increasing
>module efficiency and bringing down the costs.
>Our facility in Billerica was once owned my Arco Oil, Mobil Oil and Tesseg
>(a large German Utility) and it was the first full production photovoltaic
>facility in the US. If you are interested in joining the tour, but are
>unable to make the date; I have a 7 minute plant tour video on CD for
>anyone that is interested. I am more than happy to mail out a few copies -
>If there is interest, after the tour, we can also tour the 12 kW
>photovoltaic array that we have on our roof at the plant and talk about the
>ways that it contributes to offsetting our on-site electrical demand. We
>can easily accommodate 20-30 so space is not a limitation (we might break
>up for the tour) - you can RSVP directly to me at
>jamie.braman at rweschottsolar.us and directions will follow. I should also
>mention that you will be asked to sign a short nondisclosure form prior to
>the tour; if this poses a problem, please let me know-
>Michael Crowley
>Harvard University Green Campus Initiative
>46 Blackstone Street
>Cambridge, MA 02138
>(617) 496-0971 (Phone)
>(617)-495-9409 (Fax)
>mcrowley at camail.harvard.edu
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