Execute WF steps in a different client

Wegert, Volker volker.wegert at helios-kliniken.de
Wed Nov 21 05:01:32 EST 2012

Hi all,

I'd like to automate some steps using a Workflow. I've already prepared most of the steps so that they could be executed automatically in background processing. I still need one piece to complete the puzzle: for technical reasons, some of the steps have to be executed in different clients. Can I tell the "master workflow" in client 123 to start a "sub-workflow" in client 456 and wait until it's completed before continuing?

  Volker Wegert

HELIOS IT Service GmbH

Volker Wegert
Teamleiter SAP i.s.h.med - Entwicklung Konzern


+49 30 9401-17338
volker.wegert at helios-kliniken.de<mailto:volker.wegert at helios-kliniken.de>

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