Testing Workflow deadlines, wait steps, logically deleted cases etc.

Krishna K Kammaje kkammaje at in.ibm.com
Wed Mar 23 03:33:45 EDT 2011

Hi friends

Our functional testers usually find it tough to test workflow deadlines. 
Basically because, it involves changing the deadlines, sometimes testing 
logically deleted scenario, sometimes completing wait steps (ex: wait for 
two days). So they are dependent on technical team for performing these 

What is the best way to get this done? 
Is there any option similar to changing sy-datum to simulate these 
deadlines? (I feel changing sy-datum itself can be very risky and can 
create db inconsistencies). I am looking for any other ways which 
functional testers can use, without actually getting into technical data 
of work items.

Please share your experience.

Krishna Kishor Kammaje 
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