Clickable URL Link in Work Item Description

Mike Pokraka wug at
Thu Sep 16 10:10:26 EDT 2010

Hi Ali,

Your first approach should work:
<A HREF="&TEST&&TEST2&"> Details </A>
although I think you don't need the quotes. Not at a webby WF site at the
moment so can't check.

Re SOFM, you can use a SIBFLPORB structure just as you'd do in ABAP
classes: objcat=BO, objtype=SOFM, objkey=your key.


On Thu, September 16, 2010 12:24 pm, Ali Husain wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I have a question about having a URL link in the work item description.
>>From what i've gathered on SDN, basically, to have a link we can just
>> type the following:
> <A
> HREF=""> Details </A>
> and making that line a comment line (/* in the SAPScript editor). This is
> working fine and the links shows as Details and when i click on it it
> fires up the URL.
> However, because of the limitation of 80 characters for URL links, i'm
> putting my long URL which is calculated dynamically into two container
> elements. So to display it using the same code:
> <A
> HREF="&TEST&&TEST2&"> Details </A>
> The link works fine when i click on it but the text does not only show
> Details but also shows the value of the second container element which is
> test2 in that case. How do i get it to only show the text Details as in
> the above static link?
> I've also noticed that the link opened in the same existing window when
> testing in SOST so i used the following to open it in a new window:
> <A
> HREF="&TEST&" "&TEST2&"> Details
> </A>
> But still the value of test2 shows and then also the "> Details part. I"m
> guessing this has to do with the &s that are embedded in the link. Is
> there a way to overcome that?
> I also have a second question about the BO SOFM. Is there a way to type an
> export parameter of a function module or a method to be of type ref to
> SOFM? Since SOFM is a business object and not a regular class, it did not
> allow me to type "type ref to" and put SOFM as the type.
> Thanks a lot.
> Ali
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