Keohan, Susan keohan at ll.mit.edu
Wed Jun 17 09:59:46 EDT 2009

Although Mike Pokraka has marked this FAQ as obsolete, that's not entirely true.  This is an excellent starting place, particularly the section:

1.5. Why is nobody answering my question?
This may be for a variety of reasons. Firstly, never assume that you are entitled to an answer. Remember this is a community forum; the people on the list have jobs just like you and respond voluntarily. Perhaps nobody knows the answer.
The following are a few tips on posting effective questions with a better chance of getting a response:
Use a good subject line. The subject header is your golden opportunity to attract qualified experts' attention in around 50 characters or fewer. Don't waste it on babble like "Workflow question". As we all have busy jobs, often we just skim through the list headings and read those that interest us. Also, DO NOT reply to an unrelated post to ask a different question. This confuses those reading the thread and you may lose people that would be interested in your question. Always start a new topic with a new mail.
Bad subject: Urgent problem with workflow
Good subject: Error after transport: "Inconsistent workflow definition"

Try to find the answer first. There are tons of resources out there, show that you have tried to find the answer. A question that shows that the person is willing to try and help themselves is more likely to be answered than one which simply demands information. Tell us what you have tried to solve the problem yourself - often we can learn from that too!

Provide enough information. For starters, please tell us which version and type of system you're working on - e.g. SAP R/3 4.6C or SRM 4.0 (EBP 5.0). If your question is regarding an error, include the message. If it is a request for info, please be specific. Questions such as "How do I administer workflow" are vague, tell us exactly what you want to know - "I'm the administrator, how do I forward work items to another agent?". If it's a big query, rather break it down into separate questions.

Re-read your query before sending it to the list. Put yourself in a reader's position - does the question make sense? Can I understand the problem? Is this enough information to be able to answer the problem?
This is a very valuable technique, because many questions end up answering themselves when you read them carefully. It also leads to better questions. Many list readers like good questions, especially if they are thought-provoking and thus help all of us understand things better. This is one of the main reasons many experienced consultants read SDN forums or the list regularly.

Lastly, it's also nice to follow up with a brief update if you have found the solution. People may try to help not because they know the answer, but because they are interested in solving the same problem; or people may just encounter the same issue in the future and be searching the archives. It's a good way of giving back to the community, irrespective of whether you are a beginner or an expert.

I heartily recommend bookmarking this blog, or at least reading it through once or twice to make sure you understand the content.  It is a great place to start, and can also eliminate potential conflicts between forum users.

Kind regards,

Susan R. Keohan
SAP Workflow Specialist
Enterprise Applications
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street, LI-200
Lexington, MA. 02420
keohan at LL.MIT.EDU

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