Administration of automatic forwarding (TCODE : SO36)

JIgar Shah jigarzmail at
Tue Jun 16 20:27:20 EDT 2009


Is there a way to find out if any USER has set up his/her Auto Forwarding
property in Office Setting (in Business Workplace)? If yes, can we find out
what all email addresses or Users are set up in his/her Automatic forwarding

I searched Google and sap-wug for this; what I found is the email
communication with the Subject line. I have kept the same Subject line to
make it proper for tracking. As per that last email communication, we can
display Automatic Forwarding property of other users using "SHIFT+F4" or by
clicking button "Other Users" . But even after doing it, it did not show up
the Automatic Forwarding property for the other Users.

Can any one help me on this?

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