Delivery selection & Schedule selection in Extended Notif. Config.

Rick Bakker rbakker at
Fri Feb 20 17:29:21 EST 2009


"stuns me  from time to time how one can create something complicated
for simple things like scheduling."
I thought it was just me!
That's the price we pay for having so many options, I guess.

As I see it, it all boils down to what SWN_SELSEN does when
it's run periodically.

SWN_SELSEN first checks the Schedule selection to see if
a run is due. If so, it runs it - and uses the settings (filters etc)
to make a list of any new workitems that need to be handled.

SWN_SELSEN then checks the Delivery schedule to see if a
run is due. If so, it runs it and delivers any workitems
(picked up by the Schedule selection) to the necessary users.

Things might be a bit clearer if they used the term "Selection schedule"
instead of "Schedule selection".

The scheduling of the selection and the schedule of the delivery
can be completely independent. You could do one every hour and the
other every 10 minutes. Generally however you would make these
two schedules the same (eg every half hour).

I read somewhere that it's recommended to run SWN_SELSEN twice as frequently
as the Selection and Delivery schedules, eg every 15 minutes.

I hope others correct me where I'm wrong.

Rick Bakker
Hanabi Technology

On 2/20/09, Stefaan Vermeulen <stefaan.vermeulen at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I took the time to search trough the sap-help, group archives and sdn blogs,
> without specific answers to this question.
> Although I'm quite familiar with the SAP-logic it stuns me  from time to
> time how one can create something complicated for simple things like
> scheduling.
> I'm used to the scheduling with rswuwfml2( I don't see regarding scheduling
> what was wrong with these parameters)
> Can someone explain me in a simple way how to use these 3 parameters in
> combination and how they influence each other ?
> -Schedule selection.
> -Delivery schedule
> -The scheduling of the program SWN_SELSEN
> I kept it simple regarding these config and selected every day of the week
> from 06:00 to 17:00.
> The only thing I want to do is ; send a few new created work-items to
> outlook.
> I'm fumbling around with SWN_SELSEN_TEST with a DELTA filter but (first)
> without restrictions on TASK in filter.
> I don't get a clear view of the problem in SWN_SELSEN_TEST.(attachment)
> Thanks,
> Stefaan.
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