Deadline - Latest End Recipient of Message

Simon, Tom Simon.Tom at
Thu Oct 30 13:53:25 EDT 2008

I have a approval step with a Latest End Deadline.  The Task has a
default rule for the Recipient for Missed Latest End  using the Rule 168
- Superior of the binding parameter &_rule_result.agents[2]&.  When the
step is executed rule 168 is used to determine who the superior is based
on the workflow initiator.  The rule executes and the
&_rule_result.agents[2]& is filled with the correct superior of the
workflow initiator.  For the deadline I did not  complete the Recipient
of the message in the step tab for Latest End.  The Action "Display
Text" is selected.   I expected that the task configuration would
provide the agent assignment based on the passing of the
rule_result.agent[2}. to the default rule parameters for Recipients for
Missed Latest End defined for the task .  When the deadline passed no
message was sent.  The deadline indicates that there was no agent found.
Am I missing something regarding deadline configuration.  My
understanding is that if there is no recipient assigned in the step
phase of the deadline that the task configuration for the deadline would
be executed.  Also when the Action " Display Text" is selected does that
also mean that the recipient is also going to receive the workitem in
there workflow inbox or is the only way they receive a workitem from
deadline processing is by a modeled deadline?
Thank you
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