Different WF-BATCHes and CUA

Mike Pokraka wug at workflowconnections.com
Tue Apr 8 09:26:06 EDT 2008



We use the WF-BATCH user name to clearly identify the source of workflow
mails - e.g. the name "Workflow System - QA" will also appear as the 'From'


The Basis team have just implemented CUA (Central User Admin) and informed
us that it's no longer possible to have different user info in different
systems. I'm sure I've been on sites that use CUA and we had different
identifiers.... or am I mistaken? It's particularly important here because
many people use QA and a Production Copy system. 


What do people use? I'm wary of change all mail subjects to include the SID,
this is just begging for someone to forget to include it on a new step, and
you also run into subject length issues. Plus sender is just so much more
reliable and visible. 


I would appreciate any input from people using CUA? 



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