Workflow Error, when setting a User Decision task in status completed

Markus Klein Klein at
Wed Feb 21 12:34:58 EST 2007

in my workflow i have a User Decision task with 2 exists. When i try to set the status of a workitem of this task to completed using the Function Module "SAP_WAPI_WORKITEM_COMPLETE" the workitem itself gets the status completed, but the parent workflow gets the status error with the following message "Error when defining a successor for node <node>" in the protocol.
Its clear why this happens, as the workflow-runtime doesnt know how to continue when the workitem is completed this way. The question is tho, how can i overcome this error? There has to be a way, where i can manually set a user decision task to completeted and the parent workflow just continues.


Markus Klein
SAP Senior Consultant

ABS Team GmbH
Muehlenweg 65
37120 Bovenden

Tel +49 551 820 33 0
Mobil +49 151 126 23 047
Email klein at

Geschäftsführer: Dr. Andreas Rupprecht - HRB Göttingen 1535

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