Usage of HRUS_D2 to maintain substitutes - still viable in SRM ?

Susan R. Keohan keohan at
Tue Aug 22 14:37:40 EDT 2006

Hello all,

It's been -suggested- to me that in SRM 5.0, the maintenance of substitutes via HRUS_D2 is not 
wholly functional 'cause EBP differs from that'.

I've noticed that maintaining substitutes via the web front-end doesn't allow you to 'back-date' 
them, nor does the web front-end tell you if this was tried, and unsuccessful.  And we have always 
relied on the ability to back-date and maintain substitutions centrally for users who 'forget' to 
set up their substitutions via a maintenance dialog on HRUS_D2 - even in our EBP 3.5 Production System.

Can anyone confirm or deny for me that HRUS_D2 is no longer a valid way to store/maintain 
substitutes ?  It's my understanding  (from this list) that this is *one* table that SAP does not 
mind if you maintain.


PS:  FYI... I've tested HRUS_D2 substitutes using standard functions, such as RH_SUBSTITUTES_GET and 
SAP_WAPI_SUBSTITUTES_GET... and these functions can 'find' the substitutes.  It's only 
SAP_WAPI_RESERVE_WORKITEM that seems to have a problem.

And please, no need to ask me to raise a customer message, as that's how I got this issue in the 
first place.

Susan R. Keohan
SAP Workflow Developer
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA. 02420
keohan at

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