<&ELEMENT& not found> in workitem text

Mike Pokraka asap at workflowconnections.com
Wed Apr 26 08:50:25 EDT 2006

G'Day folks,
I have an odd one here - 4.7/620 SP54:

I use an attribute &OBJ.DUE_DATE& in a WI text. It spews out:
< OBJ.DUE_DATE not found >

It's there, it exists in the container, I've even hardcoded the date in
there. Clutching at desperate measures I changed it to DATE_DUE and it
works. Change it back to DUE_DATE and it doesn't.
Try it on a different system and it works fine both ways....

I've fixed it already, so it's mostly a matter of curiosity. It would be a
small consolation for the nearly 3 hours spent fighting with it if anyone
could shed some light.

Mike Pokraka
Senior Consultant
Workflow Connections Ltd.
Mobile: +44 (0)7786 910 855

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