Task Decision

Angelo_Besenzoni@SAP-CONSULTING.IT Angelo_Besenzoni at SAP-CONSULTING.IT
Thu Sep 22 05:44:55 EDT 2005

Hello all,

could anybody please advise me how to solve the following trouble:

We have a decision task shared to different agents, because more than one 
person can make the same job. 
When an agent quits the decision task with the option 'cancel and keep 
work item in inbox', the workitem remains only in his inbox and disappears 
from the others inbox.

We can implement a custom option 'exit' and within a loop create a new 
decision workitem for all agents, but

HOW WE CAN DISENABLED THE OPTION 'cancel and keep work item in inbox'?


HOW TO SHARE THE WOKITEM TO ALL AGENTS, after the exit with the option 
'cancel and keep work item in inbox'?

Thanks in advance

Best regards.


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