Josie Henriques jhenriques_procwork at
Tue Nov 8 10:54:37 EST 2005

 This BAPI is called in background .

      t_BAPIHR1005-CLIENT            = sy-mandt.
      t_BAPIHR1005-PLAN_VER          = plvar.
      t_BAPIHR1005-OBJ_TYPE          = otype.
      t_BAPIHR1005-OBJ_ID            = objid.
      t_BAPIHR1005-INFOTYPE          = '1005'.
      t_BAPIHR1005-PL_STATUS         = istat.
      t_BAPIHR1005-FROM_DATE         = BEGDA.
      t_BAPIHR1005-TO_DATE           = ENDDA.
      t_BAPIHR1005-IT_REC_NO         = i1005-seqnr.
      t_BAPIHR1005-CHANGED_ON        = aedtm.
      t_BAPIHR1005-CHANGED_BY        = uname.
      t_BAPIHR1005-COUNTRY_GROUPING  = i1005-molga.
      t_BAPIHR1005-TYPE              = i1005-trfar.
      t_BAPIHR1005-AREA              = v_trfgb.
      t_BAPIHR1005-ESGFORCAP         = i1005-trfkz.
      t_BAPIHR1005-LOWEST_GROUP      = i1005-trfg1.
      t_BAPIHR1005-HIGHEST_GROUP     = i1005-trfg2.
      t_BAPIHR1005-LOWEST_LEVEL      = i1005-trfs1.
      t_BAPIHR1005-HIGHEST_LEVEL     = i1005-trfs2.
      t_BAPIHR1005-COMP_FROM         = i1005-budg1.
      t_BAPIHR1005-COMP_TO           = i1005-budg2.
      t_BAPIHR1005-MEAN_VALUE        = i1005-midpt.
      append t_BAPIHR1005.

    Uname has the WF_intiator.

Josie Henriques

-----Original Message-----
From: sap-wug-bounces at [mailto:sap-wug-bounces at] On Behalf Of Srinivasan Ramanan
Sent: terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2005 11:50
To: sap-wug at
Subject: RE: WF-BATCH

If a BAPI function is called and executed by user WF-BATCH then you will 
have WF-BATCH as the user who created the object in SAP tables..

You can use WF-BATCH to schedule and run a background job....but those jobs 
which are part of workflow should run under the autorization of the user who 
actually execute the work item, not of wF-BATCH...

In otehr words ..
Job created by WF-BATCH
Job run under authorization of user ---work item executor , in your case 
What field in which BAPI structure you are filling the actual user name 
instead of WF-BATCH ?
Are you executing this BAPI call in dialog or background ?


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