How does the data move( << & >> ) between Task container & BSP page attributes

pramod reddy rkpramod at
Wed Jun 1 02:51:09 EDT 2005

Can any one help me in understanding the following:

How dose the values move from Task container to BSP page, Whenever a workitem is executed/accessed. (Workitem is created outof a Task which was generated out of a page, from WF_EXTSRV). I have this question as I didn't observe any explisit binding between TaskContainer & BSP page attributes.

If you look at approve.htm page of SWXTRAREQ bsp application in ides; under Initialization event, Travel request details are retrieved by passing the "formnumber",so that page is formatted with travalrequest details and shown to the user, when workitem is accessed. From where dose this field(formnumber) gets populated before retrieval, whenever a workitem is executed. Is it an automatic process? If yes, then I guess the parameter Id, while creating the service from WF_extsrv, should be same as the page attribute(here it is "formnumber"). if yes can I safely assume that parameter id should be same as do-controler class attribute, in case of MVC approch. 

And for the same page, under OnInputProcessing event, while calling the method for the callback mechanism "sapwfcburl" is being passed. This is one of the page attributes. How dose this gets populated before calling callback method. And this field is not part of task container aswell.

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. Let me know if am missing any thing there.

Thanking you in advance expecting inputs on this.

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