Passing Values from the WF back to the triggering CIC front OfficeProcess

Alon Raskin araskin at
Mon Jul 18 10:42:28 EDT 2005

Yep I was right. The WF executed the foreground step (which had no dialog screens, therefore really a background step) in a synchronous fashion. This is because I set it as a general task and the agent determination as _WF_INITATOR. The WF sub system realised that the current user contact is the actual agent and therefore simply executed the step without putting the item in the users inbox.
This means that you should be OK to execute the WF synchronously from the CIC and receive the exporting parameters. Now to test Conditions and see whether perhaps they break the dialog chain. I am hoping they behave the same as the Container Operations....
Alon Raskin
e: araskin at <mailto:araskin at> 
p: +61 3 9625 2189 (Head Office)
f:  +61 3 8610 1239 
c:  +1 207 756 0370


From: sap-wug-bounces at on behalf of Rivera, Raul
Sent: Mon 7/18/2005 10:26
To: SAP Workflow Users' Group
Subject: Passing Values from the WF back to the triggering CIC front OfficeProcess

This is a Workflow (WF) to Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) binding question.


We have a design scenario where a CIC Front Office Process (FOP) triggers a WF by passing Object 1. The WF then executes several background steps, changes Object 1 and might possibly create Object 2 on certain conditions.  We are wondering whether there's a way for the WF to pass something back (objects 1 & 2 in this case) to the subsequent CIC FOP step.


Does anybody have a similar experience? How was it implemented?




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