Dynamic task description

Mark Pyc markpyc at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 18 09:29:45 EST 2005

Short text:
Include a container variable or object attribute that holds the resolved 
Workitem text. The logic of how you fill this variable is entirely up to 
you. Then simply refer to it as the Workitem text at the task level.

Long text:
In terms of variable long text on the task you can use the old style long 
text editor (GOTO > SWITCH EDITOR) and use a command line (either :/ or /: 
can't remember but f4 will tell you) to include an IF statement. You can 
refer to any of the available container elements in your IF statement (using 
INSERT > EXPRESSION) to decide if you want to include the particular piece 
of text. Have a look at help around SAPScript text editing if you are not 
already familiar with this area.

Have fun,

From: Maorriyan <maorriyan_santoso at YAHOO.COM>
Reply-To: "SAP Workflow Users' Group" <sap-wug at mit.edu>
To: sap-wug at mitvma.mit.edu
Subject: Dynamic task description
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:12:44 +0000 (GMT)

Good day all,

In my workflow contains several tasks to be sent to
several users. Some of tasks actually same task/ same
task id that to be sent to different users.
Instead of create many task, I want to use same/single
task but has different task title and different task

Please give me an advice how's the best way to handle
this requirement?



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