SRM 5.0 - Shopping Cart Approval task - on hold ?

Sue Keohan keohan at
Thu Dec 1 18:07:30 EST 2005


Another Stupid Question...

Has anyone created a custom SC approval task that allows the approver to 
'hold' the shopping cart before Approving it or rejecting it ?  Our 
approvers (well, some of them) have the ability to change a cart, and 
they may just want to step away from their desks, assuming we let them, 
and come back to the cart before sending it on.
Standard Task does not allow this, via TX BBPSC07.  The SRM folks are 

If you have done this, how did you accomplish it (mod, copy SAP Code, 
custom code, in what) and how long did it take ?

(I guess this would be similar, in a way, to the 'Complete Workitem' 
button on R/3 tasks, but I am entering a brave new world)

Many thanks

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