E-mail notifications with shortcut: SWNWIEX

Martijn Wever martijn.wever at EOZEN.COM
Thu Dec 1 06:29:32 EST 2005

Dear workflow experts,

In our release 4.6c we have activated the improved RSWUWFML2 program and are using it to attach a shortcut that will execute the work item. This shortcut uses transaction SWNWIEX to execute the work item. However, with this transaction the user can execute almost ANY work item just by entering the WI id. The transaction does not check if the work item is actually in the users inbox; just if he/she is a possible agent. I would think this could be a security issue but since I haven't seen any postings regarding this point I might be overlooking something (besides creating seperate tasks/possible agent assignments per approver group - in our case 70 company codes X 3 release levels)? 

Any comments would be welcomed.


Martijn Wever

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