Slightly OT: How to find infotypes by content

Mike Pokraka wug.replies at WORKFLOWCONNECTIONS.COM
Fri Aug 5 10:26:11 EDT 2005

Hi all,
Time for my usual Friday afternoon question, this time slightly off-topic
but I figured the collective wisdom of the list is quite impressive...

How do I find infotypes by content? What I'm looking for is the opposite
of HR_READ_INFOTYPE? i.e. instead of having a person and wanting to find
some infotype data, I have the infotype data and want to find out who has

Yes, I can dig through the tables directly, but HR table reads are ugly
and I'd prefer to use a SAP FM to retrieve it if possible. Further
complicating matters is that this is a subtype which can have multiple
values, so the data I'm looking for can live in any few fields. I've spent
the past 2 hours searching to no avail...

Any ideas appreciated.

Happy Friday,
Mike Pokraka
Senior Consultant
Workflow Connections Ltd.
Mobile: +44 (0)7786 910 855

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