External Services via EXTSRV in background mode

Rickayzen, Alan alan.rickayzen at sap.com
Wed Oct 6 11:56:42 EDT 2004

Dear workflow expert,
Mark/Serge> this technique would use the EXTSRV object.
Talking of the EXTSRV object... I have seen this used often enough in dialog mode where the workflow calls a new screen in the browser but I was wondering how it has been used in practice in background mode.
If you have used WebFlow Services (EXTSRV) in background (non-dialog) mode then I'd really  appreciate a short response to this forum or, if you prefer, a private response to alan.rickayzen at sap.com describing the scenario (in just a few words).
With enough responses I could set up a web conference to share experiences with each other and with development in Walldorf.
Best regards,
Alan Rickayzen

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