Parrallel Forks and Parallel Processing

Alon Raskin araskin at
Mon Mar 8 11:16:55 EST 2004

Hi All,
We have a situation where a workflow calls two sub-workflows in a =
parallel fork. One of the sub-workflows does some processing and raises =
an event . The second sub-workflow needs to trap that event and handle =
appropriately. It seems that the sencond sub-workflow is missing the =
event being raised because the first sub-workflow raises it before the =
second sub-workflow has a chance to reach the 'wait for event' step.=20
I know the obvious solution is to put a wait step for a few seconds to =
make sure that the listening sub-workflow is ready but I hate that =
approach because it feels like the 'wait step' is required due to =
technical limitations rather then a business requirements. I know I =
could also raise an event when the listening sub-workflow is ready and =
only then process the first sub-workflow but again this seems like =
modelling an event for the sake of the technology rather then the =
business process.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? I would appreciate your thoughts =
and possible solutions.

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