ESS changes for W-4

Stoicof, Dan dan.stoicof at
Tue Feb 24 12:08:29 EST 2004

We are using EMPLOYEET (extended).  I had to do a similar task and had =
to create my own method to update infotypes 207, 208, 209, and 210. Be =
advised that the lock method takes extra long due to a "requested start" =
of one minute (which is on top of the time between scheduling of =
deadline jobs monitoring . . .).
Dan Stoicof
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Sample [mailto:Rick.Sample at]
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: ESS changes for W-4
I have a request to create a WF for changes to user's W-4 data via ESS.=20
I am doing some preliminary research to give some development estimates. =
I know we have Address Change, Time Approval, and Leave requests.=20
I understand the lock, unlock, and check for locks, etc.=20
What I don't know is the business object and event I would use for W-4 =
Tax changes?=20
They want a WF to "Lock" the object and route to our HR Service Center=20
to verify / update and release locks.=20
I see EMPLOYEET object but not sure if this is the one I want.
We are on 4.6c

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