Running webflow between R/3 and CRM - unusual error

Dywan, Abby adywan at
Wed Feb 18 18:42:15 EST 2004

Hi workflow experts -
I'm running a couple of workflows cross-system from R/3 to a CRM box.  =
What's very unusual about the problem I am encountering, is that when =
you run the workflow in CRM by itself, it works just fine.  However, =
when you trigger it from R/3, it doesn't work.  And all the data is =
arriving into CRM from R/3 into the appropriate values in the workflow =
container! =20
I'm hitting an error that I suspect may be part of this problem - it's =
short dumping on the response XML transfer - but I'm not sure it's =
connected. =20
Has anybody experienced this issue before?  Any advice would be greatly =
Thanks -=20
Abby  :)

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