Service Entry Sheet Release

Richard Williams (FCF) Richard.Williams at
Sun Feb 15 14:40:21 EST 2004

OK I require some assistance here, its not a 100% workflow question =
however it is linked. =20
The business have a requirement for Workflowing Service Entry sheet =
releasing.  The problem I have is that I cannot get the S/E to recognise =
release strategies, the create S/E performs in the same manner.  I have =
created Characteristics and assigned to class, given values to the =
characteristic.  Created release group, codes and strategies, assign the =
classification to the strategies, I cannot think of anything else that I =
have missed.  I have run debug and the fields in my structure CESSR are =
populated correctly, I am now at a dead end, can anyone help?
Thank you
Richard Williams
Fletcher Challenge Forests
SCG, Rotorua
07-349 5224
0274 865 160

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