Problem with forwarded work items

Joachim Haibt Joachim.Haibt at
Fri Apr 16 05:11:45 EDT 2004

Hi workflowers,
we have the following problem: if a user reserves a work item that has
been forwarded several times and then replaces it, it is sent back to
the inboxes of all users that were in the forwarding chain and not only
to the last one.
Example: A work item is created by a general task and through a role it
is sent to team 1 (organisational unit) with 5 users. Agent A of team 1
forwards the work item to team 2 with 6 users. Agent B of team 2
reserves the work item and then replaces it. The work item is now
displayed in the inboxes of all members of team 1 and team 2. In this
case we would like the work item to be displayed only in the inboxes of
team 2.
Does anybody know if this is possible?
SAP says that it is valid design that after replacing the work item it
goes back to all the users to whom it had been assigned before.
Thanks in advance for your help!

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