Issues with WI not going to a users inbox 4.6C

David E. Yung davideyung at
Fri Oct 31 14:41:44 EST 2003

Is your task classified as general task?  If not, the user (via the =
position that he holds) needs to represented in the Agent Assignment of =
the Task itself, besides the Role resolution performed in the Workflow.
I.e. if the task is not general, the positions in the Agent Assignment =
of the Task are the "Possible" receivers of the task.  Within this set, =
you can do a more specific role resolution from the workflow.  If the =
Task is a General task, then everybody in the system is a potential =
receiver of the work item.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: SAP Workflow [mailto:Owner-SAP-WUG at MITVMA.MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of =
Rick Sample
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:30
Subject: Issues with WI not going to a users inbox 4.6C
I have a task that is not getting to a users inbox.=20
Roles res does not fail and when I look at the Agents I see nothing.=20
No ROOT, no userID, etc.=20
I can take over the task and send to him. He can execute it, just when=20
the WF Task resolves to him it just does not show him as the agent. =
anyone experience this?

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