Workflow for Invoice completion/verification

Michael Pokraka workflow at
Thu Mar 13 04:51:36 EST 2003

Hi Robert,
You don't make it entirely clear, but it does sound like you want to
raise the event 'in your workflow' - if it is part of the flow, just
insert a 'create event' step after the parking step.
On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:25:59PM +0100, Robert Loeffen wrote:
> Hiya all,
> I want to use/raise the event 'parked' of business object BUS2081 in my workflow. But my problem is that the event parked is only raised when the status of an invoice is CHANGED from 'not parked' to 'parked'. So when i call up the invoice and 'park' it again the status of the invoice DOESN'T change and the event 'parked' is not raised.
> Is there a way to reset the status of the invoice or even better is there a way to raise the event even when you park an invoice for the second time.
> Anybody know how to do this.
> Gr. Robert Loeffen
> The Netherlands
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